Meeting Papyrus

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I wondered why Papyrus would talk to Sans like that. "Crap! Hide behind this tree!" Sans whisper shouted. "But what about the conveniently shaped lamp?" I asked sadly. "What, how on earth do you know about all this?!" "BROTHER GET OVER HERE I DONT LIKE WAITING!!" Sans shoved me along to the nearest tree and pushed me behind it. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LAZY MONSTER! HAVE YOU BEEN SLEEPING AT YOUR POST?!" I wanted to see what he looked like since the other monsters looked so evil. I started to peek out and saw how evil he looked. "MY PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" I keep making horrible choices... "WHO GOES THERE" I start to walk out from behind the tree. "It was me Papy" "W-WHAT WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME THAT. AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY.... EMBARRASING NICKNAME. I SWEAR SANS I TOLD YOU T-TO NEVER SAY THAT TO ANYONE YOU'RE SO USELESS." I couldn't believe how he was acting wasn't he supposed to be the loving, fun, precious skeleton. "Hey! Don't call Sans useless! Sure he's lazy, and... eats all the chips..... and basically never goes outside... b-but that's not my point! He's still your brother and you should care for him!" I said and literally regreted everything afterwards. "IM SO CONFUSED HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THESE THINGS." "yea she's been saying all these things and knows who we are." Sans says. "I DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION." "Ok I seriously don't know what's going on. Everyone looks evil and.. Sans has a gold tooth!? What the heck were you thinking? So this is obviously a joke right? Like soon someone's going to come out with a camera and says it's all a prank! haha right!" I say but then I realise Sans had a look of concern on his face. When he saw you noticed he immeadtly turned his back to you. "WHATEVER STUPID HUMAN I WILL CAPTURE YOU AND ILL BE SO FAMOUS!" At least that hasn't changed. Wait I know what will get them, a joke! "Hey Sans and Papyrus why didn't the skeleton dance... because he had no 'BODY' to dance with." Sans looked like he was going to explode with laughter but was trying to force it in. "THAT WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL" Sans started laughing but quickly stopped hoping no one heard him. "Ooohhh was that a laugh I hear" I said teasingly. "N-NO" Sans said while blushing madly. "I think it waaas" "S-SHUT UP ILL MAKE YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME!" Sans' eye flamed a bright red. "A good time? That doesn't seem scary at all" I started laughing. "HEY D-DONT START LAUGHING AT ME YOU HUMAN I CAN KILL YOU IN AN INSTANT." Sans yelled still blushing from embarrassment. "This is a bore I'm leaving ill be up ahead to give you a puzzle or whatever." Papyrus said while walking away. "YOU CANT JUST LEAVE ME HERE WITH THIS SARCASTIC BRAT" Sans called out. "Oh watch me" Papyrus smirked and left. "Well go ahead but ill be watching you." while he spoke his pupils disappeared. Sans started walking over to his post and he pulled out a mustard bottle and started drinking it. You stared at him wondering if he's ok since he usually drinks ketchup. "WHAT ARE YOU STARRING AT KID HAVENT YOU SEEN A MONSTER EAT" "U-umm I'm going to go ahead now.. bye!" You said while turning around. "Wait!" Suddenly out of no where he grabbed your wrist. He was so fast like he teleported.. "thanks f-for standing u-up for me" He was blushing so much that he looked like a tomato. "I-I mean I don't like you or anything so don't g-get the wrong idea. Why would I l-like a human. That's c-crazy. I have to umm go." He vanished before I could say anything.


Papyrus had a puzzle built like in the game so I solved them easily. "WHAT THE, HOW DID YOU DO THAT THAT WAS MY HARDEST ONE! I-I-I-I" Papyrus was so mad he couldn't speak. "Aww its ok you can make better puzzles soon!" You hugged the mean cinnamon roll. He immeadetly shoved you off though. "HEY GET O-OFF ME" Sans started walking up once he shoved you off. "Oh hey bro" "DONT HEY BRO ME WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THIS HUMAN IS BEATING ALL MY PUZZLES!" Papyrus was furious. "I w-was just--" "HA LIKE I CARE! ANYWAY HUMAN IM GOING TO FIGHT YOU ONCE YOU LEAVE SNOWDIN! BE READY TO FIGHT THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS! IM GOING TO LET YOU WASTE YOUR MONEY ON FOOD TO HEAL YOU! YOULL DIE ANYWAY WITH MY AMAZING POWERS!" With that he was off and gone. Once Sans noticed we were alone he started blushing again. "I-I'm going to go now" "Wait please don't g-go" I pleaded. "And why is that" Sans smirked. "Because I want to ask you if you could show me around Snowdin" "I just don't get it" Sans said looking down at the ground. "What do you mean?" I ask curiously. "Why d-don't you hate me. I've been so mean to you and and" Sans started crying red tears. "WHY DONT YOU HATE M-ME" "H-how could I hate someone who deserves better." Sans started wiping his tears quickly. "Don't tell anyone this happened" Sans said embarrassingly. "Ok!" I say while giving a sweet smile. Out of no where Sans hugged me. "Thank you" He whispered. 


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