When I woke up

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I woke up to someone crying. I opened my eyes and saw Papyrus crying? I didn't think he could cry. "I'm fine Papy we should be worrying about (Y/N)" Papyrus wouldn't let go of Sans. "Come on let me go" "I almost lost you how dare you almost die. You can't leave me here." Papyrus whispered. "All I see is you caring about me for once" Sans smirked. "Oh shut up" Papyrus said while wiping his tears away. Sans looked over to you. "O-oh u-umm" I sat up awkwardly. "You're awake thank god!" Sans said while getting out of Papyrus' hug. Papyrus shot you a death stare while Sans quickly walked over to you. "Are you alright?" Sans asked worriedly. "Yea I'm fine" You smiled but the pain was horrible. "I'm going to get you some ice i'll be right back" Sans said while walking to the kitchen. I looked at my lap trying to avoid conversation with Papyrus. God this is akward. "You don't even have the desancy to start up a conversation after what you did to me and Sans?" Papyrus whisper shouted so Sans wouldn't hear. "What?" I ask. "Oh don't act so innocent. You know you tried to kill Sans by manipulating him to love you. Then when he saved you you thought he was going to die. But lucky for him he didn't. You're even worse than me" I was shocked why would he think I did that. Sans walked into the room carrying a zip loc bag with ice in it. "Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost? Wait is Napstablook here?" Sans said while looking around the room. "Sans this isn't the time for jokes" Papyrus said trying to act like he cared about you. "haha I guess you're right" Sans walked over and gave you the ice pack. "Here you go, hope this makes you feel better, I'm going to go to the shop keeper to get some food to raise your HP" Sans got his jacket on and left. "Wow he's even running errands for you when he's dying. Humans are terrible creatures." I looked up at him. "What makes you think I tried manipulating him?" I tried to sound strong but it failed. "You're trying to take him from me. You saw how much he means to me so you were going to take him from me" Papyrus' eye glowed red again like when he was going to kill me. "Before I didn't hate you that much but now I'm raging with hate for you" Papyrus got up and slowly walked closer to you. "And this time since Sans is gone i'm going to kill you" I was walking back so much to where I hit the wall. I was cornered and trapped. No where to run I was alone. I tried to scream but Papyrus put his hand over my mouth and held a knife to my throat. "Who needs worthless bone attacks when I could just give you a slow painful death. I could feel the tears streaming on my cheecks. "Now what are you going to do" Papyrus gave you an evil smirk. As he was pulling the knife back to slice my neck we heard the door rattle. "Oh god he's back!" Papyrus whispered. "If you don't act like this never happened you will be punished. "Hey guys i'm back!" Sans said. Papyrus hid the knife behind his back. "Oh Sans you're back I was just helping the human. "Come on Papy call her by her name" Sans pouted. "Alright fine, (Y/N)"

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