Chapter 1 - Close Encounter

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Close Encounter

It was all silent except for the clicking sound of someone walking along the stone floors. Stopping at a door, the small figure knocked on it softly. “Come in,” a muffled voice came through the door. The door creaked open slowly as the small figure pushed it. The room was lit with candles, shadows playing on the floor as if mocking the timid midget who was now trembling despite the warm season.

“Mas... Master,” the figure stuttered to a cloaked man whose face was hidden in the shadows, sitting in the only armchair in the room.

“Dead yet?” his master’s voice tinted with boredom.

“No,” came the whisper.

Leaning forward away from the shadows, his face now twisted with anger, “Why did you return to tell me of this?”

“I... I... thought that it would be wiser to inform you,” now, the midget cowered despite that he was not being attacked yet.

“You thought it was wise?” his master had a sinister grin, the midget shrank away from him, wanting to run away. “I do not want to hear of this. Never again.” With that, the midget turned into a pile of dust with a flick of the finger.

“Shadows!” he barked. Silent shadows knelt on the ground. “Kill them. Bring their heads to me,” he grinned with anticipation, the shadows nodded and disappeared silently. He sank back into his armchair, inspecting his fingernails.

The child must not live. He had planned for this for years and the child would not ruin his plans.


The sound of laughter filled the house as a mother and her 2-year-old son threw flour at each other, much to the amusement of a man who was holding his stomach from laughing too hard. “Daddy! Save me!” the child cried out dramatically, making his father laugh harder; this time he wiped his tears.

“Oh no you don’t!” his mother threatened but it was an empty threat, she stopped when her husband pulled her in for a resounding kiss. A soft sigh escaped from her lips and changed into a frown, “Stop helping our son, Elgin.”

He grinned, “He’s our son. If I help him, I get to kiss you.” He earned a slap on his arm but still kept his grip on his wife; this time, his hand moved higher, resting just below her swell; making her grasp.

“You cheat,” she whispered as he leaned in for another kiss, and they forgot about their son who was playing with his toys, covering them with the flour. Living peacefully in Daly City brought their memories back to their homeland. Even their young son loved the place, all had been quiet and they felt safe. However, something was niggling at the back of Elgin’s mind, something was about to happen. Something that Lecea knew too, however, they had been protective of their son, Blake, so, they had never mention anything to him except to let him live as happily and carefree as possible.

“Blake?” Elgin squatted next to his son who was still absorbed with making sure that the car was moving along the track within the lane.


“Come, let’s go to bed.”

“But I want to play,” he pouted.

A sneaky grin came on Elgin’s face, he was going to tickle his son and Blake knew that look. “Oh no! Mummy! Help!”

This time, Lecea laughed, “Oh, go to bed, Blake. You need the sleep to grow big and strong.”

“Will I really grow big and and strong like Daddy?”

Destiny of Sapphire - Book One: The Baron and His ElfWhere stories live. Discover now