Ch. 1: First Day Back

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I walk along the side of my street, clasping my bag with my sweaty palms. Guys from my school drive by and shout my name waving. I just chuckle and just wave back. The smile spreads even bigger as I see West View Highschool come into my view. I can't believe its already time to start another year here. I just can't believe another summer just blew by me. I remember first day of freshman year like it was yesterday. I felt so young and innocent back then. Ever since last year, my life has completely changed (not necessarily for the better) but I can't change it. Its my past for a reason so I can't dwell on it.

I swing the doors open with a thud and smile. The girls turn and stare with there death glares. If looks could kill, I would have been 6 feet under along time ago. All the guys greet me with a "hey", "hi", or "sup" with a small wave and turn back to their groups of friends. I look around my smile a little less bright but it's still there. I wouldn't consider myself popular. I don't have any friends. Well that's not entirely true. I have a bestfriend; she is the only female who likes me. Her name is Christina Pines but Christina doesn't fit her, so everyone calls her Chris. Chris doesn't go to my school sadly. She goes to Yorklend Highschool, which is West Views "arch rivals".

I find my locker and try to open it. Annnnnnd of course its stuck, I pull and pull and finally it swings open, causing me to fly across the hall and end up on my butt. I feel so small in this gigantic school. Its also weird to know that everyone knows me and my name. I mean, Crayola isn't a normal name to begin with, but it doesn't help that I am the schools "un-official match-maker". I seriously should have a fee for how well I pair people. I don't help girls get the guy like you are probably thinking. Nope, I am a pro at wooing girls to fall for the dashing man. Aka hopeless boys who have crushes.

To get someone a girlfriend, it takes about 2-weeks to (at most) 3 months. That's kinda why girls hate me. They think I am a fat whore, who sleeps with everyone, when in reality I am helping them get boyfriends.

I manage to make my way to 1st period on time with barely any scratches. I look at my schedule to see I am in Mr. Butcher's Drama class. At West View we only have 4 classes a semester. Then once the semester is over, we finish these classes and get brand new ones. I sit in the corner watching everyone chat about their summer and their new cars and blah blah blah. Everyone turned 15 1/2 or 16 during the summer but me, nope my birthday is in July. So I turned 15 exactly 1 month ago.

I sigh and pull out a book and flip to a random page and start reading 'Georga lets out a yelp and I pull her closer and I just keep going...' I filp to the cover and its called Racer and the J-Walker. I laugh at my perverted mind. It's about a NASCAR Driver wannabe and girl he meets while drag racing, almost hitting her. A cute story I assumed so I got it from the library.

I see a shadow casted over me taking away my light. I look up to see Sterling, Landon and Colton. The three hottest guys in the school. But this could hardly phase me. I grew up with Landon, we actually use to be pretty close until 7th grade when he randomly stopped talking to me. If I had to pick which is the best looking its Sterling by far. His shaggy golden hair gracefully sits on his head, his bright blue eyes are beautiful, his nose is a cute button and his lips aren't to thin but not to thick either, perfect. He is tall and strong. You can tell he works at his body. I mean, I could honestly care less because he is the biggest man-whore you will ever meet. And guess who helps him get all these girls. If you guessed me, you would be correct. He only dates girls for a week, breaks up with them, waits 3 weeks and comes back to me for another girl. I don't know why I help him. He is a complete douche canoe. Yeah, a douche canoe.

I finially pipe up after about a minute of staring at him "Hey, Sterling. Move your ass, you're in my light."

He spins around with his cheeky grin that makes most melt but since I taught him how to use it, it just makes me scoff that he could possibly think that would work on me. "CrayCray," I grimace when he calls me that "Is that anyway to talk to your best customer? " He winks and turns back around, not moving and continues his conversation with Landon and Colton about all the girls they were gonna bang this year. Gross.

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