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Emma's POV~

I walked into the office with coffee for everyone. I could already tell that the atmosphere was heavy. It was extremely awkward. At least for me it was.

"Hey, Emma!" Chad grinned.

"Hey," I mumbled tiredly, "I brought coffee for whoever it wants it."

Almost immediately, Joey and Caleb perked up and grabbed theirs. Chad nodded and grabbed his. I watched as Spencer grabbed his, but he had a sad expression.

"Thanks Em." Joey smiled slightly.

"No problem. I need it after the night I had." I sighed. Caleb looked up at me, then glanced over at Spencer. I had a feeling that he was behind that last night.

"What happened?" Chad asked.

"Just didn't get good sleep, and Avery's still adjusting. It's nothing. Let's get this started." I shrugged.

They talked about what hymns they were using, and who would sing what. I just began working on the announcement and teaser.

It felt like such a long morning. "Okay, what's going on? What did you two do last night that you two are so tired? You're never like this." Chad asked.

"I didn't get good sleep. And Avery's still adjusting. I said that." I grumbled.

"I was out late last night." Spencer shrugged.

"With who?" Joey asked.

"I was out with a girl. Does it matter?" Spencer mumbled. I felt a pang of jealousy. I sighed and ignored it. Spencer looked my way and gave me a tiny smirk.

However, Caleb looked between the both if us. He stood up, "Alright. Come on you two. We're going on a coffee run, and I don't care what you think. Let's go."

Suddenly, I was scared about Caleb's sudden authority. I just nodded and grabbed my phone off the table before following him. Chad and Joey gave us a questioning look. I just shrugged.

I climbed into the back seat as Spencer climbed into the passenger side. I sighed and said nothing.

"Why is she coming?" Spencer asked.

"I have a name, you know." I snapped.

"I know! I just chose not to say it!" He fired back.

"You're acting like a child!" I grumbled.

"I'm not the one who didn't say anything!" He yelled.

"Both of you, knock it off. You're both acting like children!" Caleb interfered.

I huffed and crossed my arms. "This isn't fair." I mumbled.

"This isn't fair?! Wanna know what's not fair? I've liked you for the longest time, and when I finally had the guts to tell you, I was heartbroken." Spencer exclaimed.

I remained silent. Once Caleb went through Starbucks, we returned to the office. "Both of you. Behave. No fighting unless you can talk like civilized adults." Caleb demanded.

Once again, I ignored him and walked inside the office. I sat down in my chair and continued doing my work. I wasn't in the mood anymore.

After I was finished, I went on Twitter. Just scrolling, that was until I saw Spencer's tweet.

An angry smile came across my face as I calmly sat the tablet down. Caleb gave me a warning look, however, I shrugged him off. I cooly walked over to Spencer's desk. I just stood there quietly until he acknowledged me.

"May I help you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, actually." I smirked.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Thanks for the indirect tweet. Next time, hun, tag me. Don't go behind my back." I grinned.

"Who said it was about you?" He asked.

"Oh, please. Spencer, who was the last girl you kissed, and supposedly broke your heart?" I stated.

"If the shoe fits." He fired back.

"Obviously it does. Spencer, I'm not stupid." I snapped.

"Both of you! Knock it off!" Caleb yelled, getting both of our attentions.

"What's going on you two? You're never like this." Chad asked again.

"He needs to stop being a child about this." I grumbled.

"It's my Twitter. I can post whatever I want. I don't need your approval." Spencer snapped.

"Never said you did need my approval. I just said to tag me next time. Honey, get it right!" I corrected. Chad shrunk down, as did Joey.

"Knock it off! I'm sick of it. You both are adults, so act like it. Either talk it out or stay on seperate sides of the office until you can." Caleb scolded.

I grinned and turned around, walking over to the other side of the office. I knew Spencer wasn't gonna talk to me about it. I knew him too well. I smirked as I scrolled through Twitter. But I constantly checked the replies to Spencer's tweet. I was so tempted to reply, but I didn't.

"Wow. Being so mature, and I'm being the child." Spencer commented.

"Spencer." Caleb scolded. I grumbled and ignored them both.

"Then tell Emma how mature she's being." Spencer mumbled.

"You know what? I'm done. I'm trying to be the bigger person here, but I'm done. Talk about me behind my back. I don't care anymore!" I exclaimed, standing up.

"You're done?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, I'm done. But you know what? You didn't give me a chance to speak last night. I didn't know what to say! Little do you know, I'm falling for you! Morgan was right. I knew this was going to end horribly wrong." I sighed, "I'm going for a walk. I'll come back when I cool down."

I grabbed my hoodie and left the office. I did just as I said, I walked. I definitely needed it.

It was mid-February, and still really cold. Small piles of snow littered in people's yards and on the sidewalks. I shivered as a cold gust of wind blew. People had been taking down their valentines decorations, and began putting up easter decorations.

I shook my head as my thoughts began to wonder. Somehow, I ended up in downtown Nashville, near a mall. I had no money on me, but I entered. I needed to find Caleb a birthday gift anyway.

After a while of roaming, I found a decent store. It looked fairly new. A retro-gaming place, but it had modern gaming as well. I entered and looked around.

"Hello, ma'am. Anything I can help you with?" A young man asked.

"No, but thank you. Just looking." I declined.

I was just about to leave after looking, but my eyes landed on the perfect gift for Caleb. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Joey.

"Hello?" Joey answered.

"Hey, Joe." I mumbled.

"Emma!" He exclaimed.

"Is it possible that you could do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure, anything." He answered.

"Grab my wallet and meet me here at the mall. I'm in a store on the second floor, it's a retro-gaming place." I explain.

"Kay! Give me ten." He offered.

"Thanks, Joey!" I smiled.

"Yeah." He mumbled before hanging up. I took the gift in my hands, and patiently waited for Joey.

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