Chapter One - Secret Desire

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The sun pierced through the blinds of the window, flooding my room with a brilliant light too fierce for my eyes to remain closed any longer. Momentarily blinded, I groaned at the realization that today was Monday. Another riveting day at school that I was so looking forward to. Sarcasm this early in the morning made it even harder to get out of bed. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come on, Noah it's time to get up!" my mother shouted at the door as she walked away to the kitchen.

It never fails. She did the same wake-up call every morning knowing full well that I was already awake.

My mother was a character, well my whole family was, but my mom in particular had a special knack for being the most proactive, productive, workaholic in the world. If given the chance she could manage three major companies single handedly, while taking care of the family and finding time to volunteer for world help organizations.

I got up out of bed lazily, stretched with a big yawn then walked like a zombie to the bathroom to begin the morning ritual. When I arrived at the sink, I grabbed my toothbrush and caught my appearance in the mirror. I knew that I must not have gotten a good night's sleep because I looked extremely rough.

I always thought that I had pretty nice features, which I was grateful for because I didn't really have much else going for me. Deep blue eyes, light tan skin, and relatively full lips. Yet, the face staring back at me looked washed out and weary. My hair in disarray--and various shades of brown from too many highlights--would be impossible to fix before making it to school on time. I finished brushing my teeth and working on my hair until I gave up on trying to look fabulous today. I snatched up my messenger bag and ran out the door rushing, as always, to get to class.

My school was a few blocks from my house, which was convenient but very common in the small town of Liberty, Texas. I was a senior in high school halfway through the first semester and my 18th birthday was coming up soon. My parents had yet to give me my own car and didn't seem to have any plans of doing so in the near future, so walking was my exhilarating form of transportation, at least until I could find a source of employment.

The school came into view up ahead as my power walking was starting to pay off. Almost to my destination, I noticed a conspicuous group of guys hanging out in the front courtyard sitting in a semi-circle on the lawn. They seemed mildly engaged in conversation as I started walking toward them to the front entrance of the school. I came closer to where they were congregated and I noticed that they were all definitely older--too old to be in high school.

I glanced at the group as I walked passed them and saw one of the boys staring at me intently. If I didn't know any better I would say he was checking me out, but that couldn't possibly be true. He was just one of those guys you could look at and have no questions about their sexuality. He had to be straight as an arrow, which was so unfortunate. He looked like he probably went to the gym to pump iron every day. The boy was stacked and he wasn't hiding it under the black muscle shirt that hugged his abs as if it was part of his body. Damn... we need more guys like him batting for our team. There was something intense in his eyes--beautiful eyes the color of emeralds--that gave me goosebumps. It seemed like there was a deep yearning hidden behind those irises. He got to his feet and started walking up to me with a hostile expression. Oh snap! He looks hardcore pissed about something.

"What the hell are you lookin at queer?" he demanded, as he got right up to my face. Yep, straight as an arrow--a twisted arrow.  I could feel his hot breath inches away from my lips.

"Do me a favor and take two steps back and while you're at it, grow up little boy." I replied, as I turned to walk back toward the front doors of the school. I got to the entrance and walked halfway in then turned to face the green-eyed man who was still looking at me menacingly.

I winked at him with a seductive smile, "You have a good day now."

I saw the swift change from anger to rage on his face as I closed the door behind me and walked to class. I could hear one of his friends arguing with him about going after me as I turned a corner down the hall.

Thanks to Mr. Homophobe, I was extremely late to my first period class-interrupting the lecture and being met with tons of curious stares. I made my way to my seat toward the back of the room and sat down at my desk next to my best friend for life, Naomi Williams. She looked at me suspiciously, ripped out a blank piece of paper from her notebook, and started writing something on it. Seconds later, she handed me the paper folded up from under her desk. I opened the note and started reading.

"Noah QUEEN Stradferd! Where have you been?! How dare you not grace me with your presence, you know how boring this class is. I demand an explanation mister!"

Naomi was definitely the craziest person I knew, but she was also the most interesting and unique person I had ever met. She had a slightly exotic appearance with dark burgundy hair that fell in soft curls to her shoulders. Her skin was a light caramel complexion and she had a set of ocean blue eyes that-oddly enough-were strikingly similar to my own.

We had been friends since the first day of freshmen year and now we did pretty much everything together. We told each other everything, absolutely no topic was taboo. She was one of a kind and I felt lucky to have such a deep connection with someone so special in my life that verged on soulmate status.

I began to write my reply on the empty space below her message.

"Queen? Ha ha. You're so funny I forgot to laugh. I should have been here to brighten your morning. I know how greatly my presence affects your entire day...just kidding! Well, I had a little encounter with a guy who got in my face and called me a queer, so yeah, that was interesting. Apart from me already being late on my way here, he was basically the one who made me mucho late. It really sucks that he had to be such a douche because he was kinda hot."

I folded the paper back up and slyly passed it back to her. I brought my focus to Ms. Vaun and acted like I was paying attention to the lesson while Naomi read my response. Immediately, I felt her eyes on me and turned to look at her. She looked at me seriously and mouthed the words, "We need to talk."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Okay" inaudibly. She was particularly over protective of me so I was pretty sure I knew what our talk was going to be about. I had a feeling that today was going to be a long, dramatic day.

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