Chapter Four - Dean Syrus

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          The next morning I awoke feeling apprehensive of what the day might bring.  Although, I had another unsatisfying night of slumber, my body was full of energy from what I assumed was nothing more than nerves. 

          The stormy clouds that hovered overhead yesterday finally released their burden, showering all through the night and calming to a light drizzle in the morning.  The forecast said it was going to rain all week, which made me happy because I loved it when it rained.  I went through the motions with an unsettling anxiousness as if I was waiting for something unusual to happen.  To my surprise, the day flew by completely uneventful and I found it strange that this made me feel a slight sense of let down. 

          Naomi and I met outside the auditorium after the last bell rang signaling the end of school.  We went over the game plan for the auditions that were to take place in a few minutes.  I felt like we were both aptly prepared to make it into the end of year talent show.  We decided to do a duet and Naomi thought “Endless Love” would be the perfect song and I had to agree.  She sounded absolutely amazing when we sang that song and the feeling she put behind the lyrics was impeccable. 

          There was some strong competition but as I predicted we landed a spot in the talent show and we were the final act, which was exactly what we had hoped for.  We left the auditorium completely elated with our spirits exceedingly high, and made our way to my house    practically skipping the whole way there.  

          Halfway to our destination we spotted a cluster of boys up ahead casually hanging around a parked car.  All of them were joking around and laughing except one of them who was busy looking around vigilantly.  When the boy’s searching eyes landed on us, a malevolent smirk slowly spread across his face.  It wasn’t until we started to progress toward the group that I noticed who the guy was.  Suddenly, I felt a hand press against my chest and hold me back.  Naomi pulled me behind her as she stepped out in front of me with a look of severe hostility. 

          The green-eyed boy took this as an invitation to make his move.  He strolled over to us with a confident swagger like he was the cock of the walk—the wicked leer never left his face.  He came up to stand right in front of us and planted his feet shoulder width apart, reflexively blocking our path.  His eyes penetrated me, and once again I got goosebumps.  What is with this guy? 

          I found myself locked in his gaze unable to move or think.  He had me completely exposed and immobilized, but by the looks of it, he seemed to be caught in the same spell that I was under. 

          “Hey, Dean!  What are you doing over there?” asked one of the guys from his group, and with that, the enchantment was broken. 

          “Nothing.  Mind your own business and stay out of it,” Dean replied over his shoulder while he kept his eyes on me.

          I raised my eyebrows with embellished surprise.  “Dean, huh?  So you do have a name.”    

          There was a flicker of a genuine smile when I said his name, but he regained his hard demeanor and took a step closer to us.

          Naomi reacted automatically by blocking me completely from his view and stared Dean down like a savage warrior prepared for battle.  “Maybe you’re hard of hearing but I believe the exact words I said to you yesterday were, “Don’t you ever touch him ever again.”

          For the first time since he spotted us, Dean took his eyes off me and looked at Naomi.  He slowly walked up to her until he was inches away from her face.  She didn’t move or falter one bit.  I had to hand it to the girl, she was strong—so much stronger than I was.

          He started to study her up and down with a venomous glare.  It became hard to stare into those poison, green eyes any longer, so I took this opportunity to do some exploring and examine his assets. 

          He was tall and built nicely as his physique was evident through his black muscle shirt, which hugged his tight abs perfectly.  His jet-black hair was disheveled, yet somehow it looked like he took about half an hour to style it.  He had such a handsome face, with light stubble that evenly covered his beard, giving him a ruggedly, sexy appeal.  However, there was one feature that my eyes couldn’t stop roaming back to repeatedly—his lips.  They were perfectly kissable and my own quivered with an urge to touch them.

          I brought my attention back up to his eyes and realized that they were watching me.  Once again, I was hit with his spell.  His lovely, emerald gaze had me rooted to the ground.  He was like a Venus flytrap.  Every time he observed me I was helplessly caught in his clutches—slowly being consumed.  He gradually leaned in as if he was going to hug Naomi, but instead he moved his head over her shoulder toward me.  Immediately, the evil expression vanished completely and I finally got to see what his face looked like when it wasn’t distorted with hostility.  Wow… he’s pretty hot when his face isn’t emoting hate…

          Dean’s eyes bored into mine and infiltrated my mind.  “I’ll be seeing you soon… Noah,” he vowed softly.

          My heart started to pound rapidly as he said these words, and I started to get light headed from the sudden frenzy in my chest.  I couldn’t understand the intense feelings I was having for this guy of all people.  How could he have such a hold over me and how the hell does he know my name?

          With Naomi’s assistance—a not so friendly shove—Dean slowly walked backwards away from us.  His gaze was still fixated on me and before he turned around, I could have sworn he winked at me.

          Naomi took my hand and started towing me away toward her house.  She was obviously trying to avoid any more confrontation by taking a different route home—away from the group of guys who were now questioning Dean.

Closeted Obsession (BoyxBoy Romance Mystery/Thriller)Where stories live. Discover now