Chapter Three - The Spiteful Psycho

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           The crazy, green-eyed, stalker was standing in the center of the courtyard with his hands balled up into fists.  When he caught sight of me, he hastily walked toward me with an expression that could only be described as a hunger—a fierce hunger to destroy me.  Naomi and I stopped in our tracks as the lion advanced on his prey.  Suddenly, he rushed up to me and before I could react, he landed a solid right punch that brought me down on all fours. 

          “You frickin queer!  Did you think I was gonna just let you walk away from me?  Huh?!” he shouted as he kicked me hard in my stomach making me lose my breath and collapse to the floor on my side. 

          Naomi stepped up to him and landed a swift kick to his balls. As he buckled over in pain, she punched him with full force so hard he fell to the ground. 

          My stomach hurt immensely and I knew I was going to have a huge bruise.  I started to recover and pick myself up off the ground as Naomi hurried over to help me up.  We looked down at the wincing man who was holding his privates and groaning loudly. 

          “Don’t you ever touch him ever again, you homophobic bastard, and while you’re calling people queer, take a look in the mirror dickhead!” Naomi yelled as she steadied me to my feet.  “Come on, Noah, let’s get out of here and leave this trash where he belongs—on the ground.” 

          She helped me along as we walked away and I couldn’t help feeling surprised that the guy wasn’t trying to retort or pursue us. 

          By the time we made it to my house, I was starting to recuperate.  The only thing that bothered me was my racing thoughts, as well as some dizziness and queasiness.  Naomi and I lay side by side on my bed and gazed up at the sunroof in the ceiling above us.  The clouds were still tainted by dark shades of grey as they glided lazily across the sky. 

          Naomi was the first to break the silence.  “How are you feeling love?”

          “Not too bad.  I know I’m gonna to have a big ugly bruise on my stomach but other than that, I’m peachy!” I replied with mock cheeriness. 

          “I cannot believe that guy!  I just knew it.  I totally had a feeling in my gut that that dude was bad news.  I don’t know why I didn’t act on my instincts.  I should have been prepared for that.  I should have acted faster.” She glared at the ceiling and bit at her bottom lip, clearly disconcerted.

          “It’s not your fault.  How could you have known that he would be some spiteful psycho? You never even met him until fifteen minutes ago.  Guys like that are not worth the time or the stress.  So just forget about him—it’s over.”

          “No, it is not over!  I can’t just forget about this.  That bastard tried to beat the hell out of you and I cannot let him get away with that!”  Her face was twisted in anger—unlike anything I had ever seen—with her hands balled up into trembling fists.   

          “Naomi, calm down!  I’m serious, chill out right now.” I demanded, as I grabbed hold of her clenched fists to stop them from shaking.  “Please, calm down and do one thing for me.”

          She took in a deep breath with her eyes closed and exhaled for a few seconds to calm herself down, then opened up her eyes to look at me and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

          “Please just let this go and instead of being my bodyguard, please just be who I need you to be right now—my friend.”

          Naomi’s reaction was completely unexpected.  She threw her arms around me and started bawling shamelessly on my shoulder.  “I’m sorry love.  I can’t help feeling the need to protect you all the time, but I do just need to be your friend when stuff like this happens.  I’m so sorry.” She spluttered through waves of tears.

          “It’s okay lovely.  I understand that that is who you are and how you are always going to be and I accept that, even appreciate it.  I just want you to try to find a way out of your anger in these situations and switch back to being my awesome, amazing, fabulous friend.  So let’s just drop this and move on alrighty?” 

          She wiped away her tears and started to re-gain her composure.  “Okay babe.  I’ll try to really work on that, and I promise I’ll drop this and not bring it up anymore.”

            “Alrightiness, good things!  Besides we have bigger matters to focus on, like practicing for tomorrow’s audition.”  I glanced over at her with a wide smile, then sprang up from the bed and struck a pose, “It’s showtime baby, let’s do it to it!” 

          After practicing our acting scenes and songs, we watched a couple of old Hollywood classics and spent the rest of the night talking about a random fusion of topics—jumping from one to the other.  When the moon was high in the sky, Naomi sullenly headed to her house, which was also conveniently a few blocks away from mine.  She hated to leave me every night and many times she insisted that she sleep over, which I had no problem with apart from the fact that we got little to no sleep every time due to non-stop conversations. 

          With Naomi’s departure, I walked back into my room, plunked down on my bed and pulled the blanket over my body.  As I lay there motionless and waited for sleep to come, I couldn’t stop my brain from mulling over several thoughts in succession.  They all circled around the crazy, nameless boy from earlier today.  I didn’t understand why I was thinking about him so much.  I had offensive guys like that interact with me and dish out their hate, quite a bit in the past.  All of them were forgotten about immediately after the encounter and were not thought of again.  Yet, this guy continued to swim through my thoughts and it was driving me crazy. 

          I was so conflicted and confused about the whole situation and all I wanted to do was just fall asleep and forget about the green-eyed boy.  Eventually, I managed to drift off into a deep slumber and escape my stream of thoughts, but I was unable to escape my dreams.

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