Chapter Two - The Excessive Bodyguard

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           The bell rang signaling the end of first period and I got up out of my desk and migrated with my fellow classmates into the crowded hallway.  For such a small school in such a small town, the hallways were always teeming with students pacing from class to locker, then from locker to class with a pit stop for interaction with friends.  I only got halfway to my next class when Naomi caught up with me.

          She grabbed my shoulder to get my attention.  “Okay, seriously who the hell was that guy?  Tell me what he looks like because I’m gonna have a nice little chat with his homophobic butt.” 

          “I don’t know who he is.  I have never seen him before, but I know that he isn’t in high school.  He looked like he might be twenty-something.”

          “Where did this happen?” she demanded.  It was obvious that she was going to try to solve this mystery.  She always switched into bodyguard mode whenever incidents like this occurred. 

          “It was in the front of the school.  He was with a group of guys but he was the only one who seemed to have a problem with me.  It’s not a big deal at all.  I handled my own and brushed it off like all the other times.  You know I’m no stranger to these situations.”

          “I know but I can’t stand it when this happens to you.  It makes me so furious, and it always happens to you.  All these dudes who take out their frustration on you because they’re angry, confused, and deep in the closet.  Seeing you in all your gayness makes them want to attack you and I can’t stand it… damn I wanna kick his butt so bad.”

          I looked at her innocently and pouted my lips.  “Aww, you’re sho shweet wanting to fight for me—my little bodyguard.  Well, anyways, it’s done and over with and not worth discussing anymore because I’ve been completely over it since ten seconds after it happened.”

          She sighed heavily looking very frustrated but apparently decided to drop the subject for now. 

          We made our way down the hall to our next class.  Her classroom was across from mine.  Our “see ya later” was shorter than normal since she was still not in the best of moods—excessively letting this get to her like she always did. 

          Economics was as dry as ever and my mind started to roam.  For some reason, my thoughts hovered around one person in particular,    focusingon a set of emerald eyes.  I didn’t know why I was having such a hard time thinking of anything else, but there was just something about him that I couldn’t shake.  I had never had someone affect me like that and it scared me.  I thought about trying to pay attention to what Mr. Schmitt (a.k.a Mr. Clear Eyes, because he sounded exactly like the guy in the Clear Eyes commercial) was saying, but listening to his voice made me fall asleep, so I quickly abandoned that idea.  Instead, I decided to fixate myself with the scenery outside the window.   

          The view was as gripping as the atmosphere in the classroom.  The only mildly interesting setting was the dark, grey clouds drifting lazily overhead.  My eyes wandered down to the front courtyard and caught a sight that made my stomach clench tight in response to the sudden shock.  The guy who had been occupying my thoughts all day was leaning against a tree—staring at me.  He narrowed his eyes in anger as if acknowledging my unexpected awareness of him. 

          What is he still doing out there and why is he staring at me?  I started to feel creeped out as I realized that his eyes didn’t leave me for a second.  He just continued to stare in a sinister way like some kind of psycho waiting to kill me.  I immediately began to regret our interaction this morning.  Who would have thought that it would have led to this crazy person, turned stalker?  I removed my attention from his wicked gaze, folded my arms on top of my desk and lay my head down in the hopes that he would lose sight of me. 

          After class, I met up with Naomi outside the choir room for lunch.  She looked like she was back to her old self and in a much better mood.  As soon as she saw me, her face lit up like it always did when we were separated for more than an hour.  I laughed to myself a little in response to my bestie's cheerful demeanor.  Aww, I love this chick.  She can't even stay made at me for more than an hour. 

          There was a little sandwich shop across the street from the school that we frequently went to.  Technically, every time we went there we were skipping school because it was off campus, but the security guard that usually drove around the school in a golf cart didn't give two shits what we did.  We walked down the hallway and out the front doors, joking and laughing.  I was not prepared for what came next.

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