Chapter Five - Melody of the Storm

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           By the time Naomi and I arrived at the front door of her house, the sun was departing to the other side of the world and the sky was a sinister grey.  The rumbling clouds drifted ominously overhead with the guarantee of a mighty thunderstorm on the horizon. 

          Naomi opened the front door to her house one handed with her other still holding onto mine.  As soon as the door was opened, she pulled me inside, then poked her head back outside and looked up and down the street    apparently searching for any sign that we had been followed.  I guessed she was satisfied that we were in the clear, because she immediately slammed the door shut and began towing me up the stairs to her bedroom.  She finally let go of my hand as we walked to the center of her room and plopped down on the floor. 

          We sat there quietly for a while, neither one of us able to break the silence, due to the racing thoughts going through our minds.  I glanced up at Naomi and noticed that she looked extremely pissed off, like she wanted to hit something.  I decided to break the silence as well as the possible stream of violent thoughts running amuck in her head. 

          “Will you please do me a favor?”

          “You know I’ll do anything for you love,” she replied as she took in a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. 

          “Please let all this go.  I just want to drop it and forget about this whole situation.  I don’t want us to have to keep stressing over that guy.”

          “How can I just let it go?  He is a total psycho, there’s no way I’m letting this go.”  She was starting to boil up again.  “I have always had your back and stuck up for you, and I always will.  I won’t allow anyone to torment your life.” 

          I looked into her determined eyes and my fear started ebbing away, leaving me slightly at ease.  Yet, for some strange reason, I felt unable to tell her the truth about why I wanted her to let this go.  I couldn’t get Dean off my mind and I had an unusually desperate urge to talk to him. 

          “Naomi, do you love me?” I asked, looking at her intently. 

          “Of course I do.  I love you more than anything else in the world.  You are the highlight of my life,” she replied with a genuinely, serious expression. 

          “Then please, please let this go.  I want to move on and I want you to move on with me.”  I grabbed both of her hands, then brought them to my lips and gently kissed them.  “Besides, I haven’t been to your house in forever and a day, so show me a good time missy!”   

          She pulled our clasped hands up to her own lips and gave mine several gentle kisses.  She was always so loving and affectionate with me.  Most of the time it felt like we were in a relationship together, which would be totally awesome—if she was a boy.

          The rain fell out of the clouds above with a steady flow, filling the silent stillness with a soothing tone.  In the tranquility of the moment, time seemed to be at a standstill, while the melody of the storm played throughout the night.

          Naomi and I sat under umbrellas on a couple of lawn chairs in the middle of her backyard.  We had a tendency to do random things like that from time to time.  It seemed to spice up every day life in a small town.  The splashes above our heads created a serene rhythm that induced wandering thoughts.  A cool breeze invaded the sanctuary of my umbrella, making me shiver and realize how idiotic it was for us to be sitting out in the cold rain. 

          “Mmm…this is as relaxing as a full body massage and I’m not even being touched,” said Naomi, with her head resting against the back of the lawn chair and her eyes closed. 

          I glanced over at her and took in her carefree state, and it made me smile to myself.  “Well I’m glad you’re relaxed and at ease now.  That is how I want my bff to be at all times.”

          Naomi started laughing at the goofy face I made after I finished speaking, but was interrupted halfway through by a fit of sneezes, followed by a low groan.

          “Uh-oh, looks like someone is getting sick.  Maybe now you’ll know better than to sit out in the cold, pouring rain with a friend that happens to be crazy enough to join you,” I said with a playful smile.

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