32) I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?

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Rocket came crashing back into the bedroom, fuming with anger. Forcefully, he smashed the contents of his desk onto the ground and punched the wall. I flinched away from him timidly.

“Rocket? What did she say?” I squeaked.

“I TOLD you something bad would happen!” he shouted, grabbing the chair and throwing it, allowing it to join the rest of his belongings in a scattered mess on the floor.

“What is it?” I whispered. I found myself sub-consciously cowering from him. Although I should have been certain that he wouldn’t do anything to me, I still had my doubts after all the other times.

“I don’t wanna fucking talk about it!” he growled.

“Rocket, this seems really bad…” I murmured nervously. Rather than breaking anything else, he sat down on his bed and dropped his head into his hands.

“They’re sending me to England.” he muttered quickly.

I froze in terror, and looked at him as though he’d just committed a murder right before my eyes.


“I’m going to live with my Aunt now.” he said “In England.”

“Why?! No you’re not! You can’t go to England!” I protested, feeling tears burn my eyes.

“I have no fucking choice!” he snapped. Though I knew that his anger was not directed towards me.

“No! Rocket, no! You can’t leave me!” I cried. I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go, as if hugging him would somehow prevent him from having to leave.

“Madison said that they’re losing the custody battle for me because my stupid Aunt is my blood relative.” he muttered.

“But you’re happy here! And Madison and Trevor take great care of you! This place is perfect…surely you should get a say in this somewhere!?” I asked desperately.

“I’ll talk to them…but I don’t know what good it will do.” he said. I broke down in tears and buried my face in his chest. Just as things had started to go so well between us…so perfectly…something had to come along suddenly and rip every good thing to shreds. Rocket was right. He knew all along that this would happen, but to be honest…even if he had proven that to me before all this, I still would not have done anything differently. I didn’t regret anything, even when I was sitting there crying my eyes out knowing that there was a high possibility that he would be taken away from me soon, I had no regrets.

He stroked my hair, and pleaded with me to calm down. His words did sooth me slightly, but not enough for me to remain entirely composed. He placed his hand lightly up to my chin and lifted my head so that I was facing him, before kissing me softly on the lips.

“I will put up one hell of a fight before I’m separated from you.” he promised. I gave a shaky nod, and stared despondently into his sad blue eyes. Despite how hopeless the situation seemed, I found that I could bring myself to believe him.


*Rocket’s POV*

“What do you mean you lost!?”

“We’re so sorry.” Trevor said sincerely “We tried our hardest but…you’re going to live with your Aunt.”

“Don’t I get a say in this at all!?” I questioned impatiently.

“We’re really sorry, Rocket.” Madison said. She looked as though she was about to cry yet again.

I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?(1)Where stories live. Discover now