Chapter 2

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Katelyns POV.

"You call that going easy?" Said Travis who was currently lying flat on the ground and out of breath.
"I do actually. You lasted a lot longer given the fact that I was moving slowly..." I replied from the rock I was sitting on.
"Okay..." He took a pause to get some more air "Then how on earth did you get that good?" He asked still out of breath but sitting up now.

I didn't reply straight away, how would I phrase this...

"I went to a guard training academy and quickly became one of the best students..." I said deliberately missing out the part about the Jury.

Travis looked at me questionally for a few moments before nodding his head and standing up this time.

"How are you not out of breath?" He asked me
"How are you not able to be quiet?" I replied rolling my eyes.
He chuckled "Fiiiine... But hey! Can we do this more often?"

I once again paused to think about it for a few moments before deciding.

"Hurrah!" Travis cut me off
"Alright, BUT purely for training. Nothing more." I finished my sentence.

~•~•~•Time Skipz•~•~•~

I walked out of the forest and back to the village. I noticed Garroth looking in one of the crates near the campsite so I went to see what he was looking for.

"Hello, Garroth." I said standing in front of the crate he had his head in.
His head popped up "Ah, Hello Lady Katelyn."
"I told you not to be so formal... There is no need"
"If you say so La-- Katelyn..." he said giving me a quick smile before returning to the crate.
"What are you looking for?" I asked
"Charcoal..." he replied in a slightly muffled voice
"The charcoal is in that crate other there..."
"Pardon?" He said his head popping up once again
"I said the charcoal is in that crate over there" I repeated

He stood up from his crate and went to the one I pointed to. He quickly pulled out a piece of charcoal.

"Well, you were right... I looked through six other crates for nothing..." he said grimacing
"You should know by now that I am always right." I said with a smile

This earned a small chuckle from Garroth

"HEY KATELYN!" I turned around to see Travis who had just come out of the woods where he was standing.
"LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR DATE!" he yelled before walking off to the opposite side of the village.

I felt my face heat up in anger. 'That wasn't what I agreed too' I said to myself

"So you and Travis?" Asked Garroth. I could tell he was smiling by the way his voice came out.
"I swear to Irene I will not go easy on him next time..." I muttered
"What do you mean?" Said Garroth who had clearly heard what I said
"We were dueling, I agreed that we should do it again sometime." I said turning around to face Garroth again
"Well in the short time I've know that man, I can tell you I am glad not to be you. I don't fancy the nonstop flirting." He said laughing at my expression.
"If you were a women you would be ugly as hell." I replied flatly
He chuckled, "I would be gorgeous but I have to go. I'll leave you to plot on killing Travis."


I was on guard duty at the cells. I can safely say that it is very boring to listen to Michi whining about how her pillow isn't comfy enough and that she hasn't seen Laurance in ages.

"Michi I swear to Irene if you open your mouth one more time I will throw these rocks at you!" I said pointing to the pile next to me.
"Humph" was the last sound that came out of her

I sighed before sitting back down on the chair and watched Sasha who was lying on her bed with her hood up. It looked like she was sleeping but I wasn't sure until she spoke

"Katelyn darling, did your mother not tell you it was rude to stare...?"
"How did you know I was-- Did you just call me darling?!" I asked raising my voice
"Yes I did, but don't feel special. I call everyone that." She said chuckling

I groaned and looked longingly at the stairs leading out of this nightmare. I hate being in prisons, even if I'm not the one in the cell, I still hate it.

Eventually it was time for me to leave and I did not regret jumping up those stairs and almost running into Vylad one bit.

Its kinda short I know but I do have my reasons,
Voilà le reason...


If I get any less than 15/20 on this project, so help me any respect I ever had for you will be thrown out of the window (there is very little respect given the fact that I do not believe for a second that what you are doing on your computer is 'work')

If I get any less than 15/20 on this project, so help me any respect I ever had for you will be thrown out of the window (there is very little respect given the fact that I do not believe for a second that what you are doing on your computer is 'w...

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(To be exact it took 3 hours so if I get a bad grade from my son of gun art teacher I will not be a happy bunneh...)
Have a nice day!

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