Chapter 1

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Haaaiiiii! I won't say to much because I think you just wanna get into the story but I just wanted to say thank you for clicking on this book and I hope you enjoy!

Katelyns POV.

"Can I go yet...? My dad's waiting for me..." Dimitri whined
"Fine. Your off the hook as long as your father is here. But if I hear anything about you misbehaving, I'll come and find you and make you run 32 laps around the sheep pen!" I replied in a sharp tone of voice.

I saw the glint of happiness appear in Dimitri's eyes before he ran off somewhere to find his dad. I let out a sigh of relief once the little terror was out of sight, the kid is a hand full and I sure am glad to have some peace. Although it is nice to help teach the next generation some decent combat skills...

"Finally found an excuse get rid of him have we?"
"No... I'm just been a nice person for once" I said turning around to face Aphmau
"Sure you are" She said between chuckles
"What are you going to do now that you've lost your little friend?" Aphmau said teasingly
"Hmmm, let me think... Probably find a secluded spot in the woods where I will meditate and plot on killing my 'little friend'" I said whilst jokingly scratching my chin as if I was thinking about it.
At this she let out a small laugh "I'll leave you to it then" she said before continuing with her business.

I looked around the village a bit while I thought of what I should do with my spare time. The village was coming along nicely, I quickly waved at Isabelle when I saw her walk past with Lilith but acted as if I had business to attend to so that I could avoid conversation.
Isabelle is very nice but she talks way to much for my liking...
On my little walk around the village I noticed Dante walking off somewhere with Dimitri running behind him, it brought a smile to my face seeing the kid so happy.
To be honest there were several qualities he had that are quite likeable by my opinion, boisterous, strong-willed, curious and determined to prove himself... Much like his mother.

I slowly made my way to the woods to do what I had told Aphmau I would do, minus the plotting.
I found an old oak not to far from the outskirts of the village where I decided to sit.
I sat down next to the roots and lent my head backwards onto the trunk and closed my eyes.
I listened to the birds singing for a few moments before I pulled out my pugilist knuckles and sharpened the blades, 'always wise to keep your weapons Sharp' is what my trainer used to tell us back when I was a guard in training...

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed some movement on my right, I slowly turned my head to see what was there whilst trying not to bring attention to myself.
I stopped sharpening the blades and put them on instead.
I stood up and cautiously walked in the direction of the movement, I already found several creatures around the island that were unwanted so I needed to make sure this was not one of the little buggers...
Eventually I caught up to whatever it was, I poked my head around the tree I was leaning against just to see who it was. Walking slightly ahead of me was a white haired man.
I was slightly disappointed to see Travis... I can't deny I was hoping to have a fight.
I continued to follow Travis seeing as I had nothing better to do when he finally came to a halt at a small clearing.
In the clearing there was nothing but a thick pole that had been pushed deep into the ground, I watched from the trees as I saw Travis pull out his sword and start hitting and slashing at the wood.
I shook my head in disapproval and stepped out of the trees and slightly into the clearing.

"Your posture is not correct, your left foot should be further back" I said stepping forward a bit more.
"I think I know what I'm --" Travis started to say in an aggressive tone
"-- K-Katelyn?! Eh, my apologies! I was, ehhh..." He said quickly changing his tone when he turned around and saw me.

I folded my arms and raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to say something. Frankly that was the quickest change of attitude I've seen on someone in a long time.

He coughed quickly clearing his throat "So... Can I help you with anything?" He asked going back to his old self.
"I seriously doubt you would be able to help me when it comes to combat if that is what you mean." I said bluntly
"Well that wasn't what I meant but-- What do you mean?" He said raising his voice slightly at the end.

It was rather enjoyable to wind him up, I may have just found out how easy it is to do so....

"I mean, judging by how you can't even stand in the right positions. There would be very little I could learn from you." I said unfolding my arms and fiddling with my pugilist knuckles.
"I'm not that bad a fighter." He said whining like a little child.

I quickly ran towards him and crashed the blades of my knuckles down onto his sword that he used to block me.

"Prove it, I'll go easy. I've been wanting someone to train with"

And that wraps up Chapter 1! Once again I hope you enjoyed and make sure to comment and vote!

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