Chapter 6

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Katelyns. POV

I sat in silence as I watched Travis take swings at the dummy we'd set up for training.
I don't really know why I wanted to train with him, he isn't a bad fighter at all really.
Just not quite perfection...
I put my hand in my pocket to retrieve my locket but panic took over me when I discovered it wasn't there.

"What's wrong?" Asked Travis who had just put his sword down
My head snapped up to look at his
"Nothing!" I almost yelled

He looked at me in confusion for a moment before turning his attention to something behind me.
I turned around but before I could register who was standing there, that annoying little voice came back to plague me.

"Lady Katelyn! So can we go camping yet?" Asked Dimitri who had run up to me

I sighed in frustration and rubbed me face before I heard yet another annoying voice.

"Camping? I love camping! Are you going camping?" Called Travis who had run to Dimitri's side and was also giving me that terrifyingly cute look.

I groaned, "Dimitri what are you doing here...? I left you with Zoey until your dad came..."
"My dad? What's my dad doing here?" He continued to question
"Your dad... is taking you camping"
"Really?! Where is he?!" Yelled Dimitri who was now overjoyed
"He should be back at the village but..." Before I could finish my sentence Dimitri had already run off.

There was a long silence where I'm not really sure what had happened but it was soon broken by Travis.

"So I guess your not going camping..." He said almost sadly
"Eh... No... Why?" I asked slightly puzzled by his sadness
"I was just hoping to go along with you and Dimitri, that's all"
"Well... we can't go with Dimitri but I guess we could go--"
"Together?!" Yelled Travis who finished my sentence for me
"I was about to say tha--"
"Alone?!" He said cutting me off
"Generally speaking..." I finished a bit exasperated

You could clearly see the joy in Travis's eyes as the clogs in his head were turning as he thought. I think I may have made a mistake...

"I know the perfect place. Meet me at the barn at 4 o'clock?" He said almost bouncing
I thought for a second before giving up on the argument I was having with myself.
"Alright! But you... you know what never mind, I'll see you later!"

Travis gave me a quick grin before he picked up his sword and ran off somewhere.
I sighed before collecting my things as well and started walking back to the village, trying to be excited about tonight and worry about my locket later...

Travis's. POV (Long time no see Travey-Boi!!)

"Did I tell you that I hate surprises?" Asked Katelyn in a sickly sweet voice that she pulled off way to well for my liking.
"Yes you did. Four times in fact!" I reply chuckling.

I cought a small glimpse of her rolling her eyes at me which had become quite a common thing since we started walking towards the chosen destination.
She's been whining because for the past half an hour I have refused to tell her where on the island we're going to be camping.

"Are we going to the ruins?" Said Katelyn, breaking the silence
"Well done! You finally guessed right!" I said teasingly

She groaned "I wouldn't tease me if I were you, you know the consequences. Anyway what's my prize for getting it right?" She asked getting back into competitive mode.
"Erm... You can have one of my sausages...?" I said, my answer sounding more like a question.
"Ew. I do NOT want your sausages!" She replied giving me a look.
"What? I don't burn them that badly!"

She gave me such a weird look for a few seconds before shaking her head and concentrating on walking again.
I could tell she was kind of fed up of talking so I decided to shut up and continue walking

Hey guys! Long time no update, that's a fail on my end :-/
There's not much that's really new but I would like to say,
I am terrible at social media, I am too good at been quiet and simply observing from behind my screen.
To be completely honest Wattpad is the only online site where I don't hesitate about posting, I guess you could say it's the fear of been judged? Or the worry that if you comment on something and then no one acknowledges it? I don't know I'm weird like that but tell me if what I'm saying makes sense or not...

Basically, I have created a Twitter account MAINLY to keep up to date on several things *COUGH APHMAU SHIPS COUGH*
But I kind of want to know, do you want me to use Twitter as a way of talking to you guys or not?
Like I said I am bad at social media so I won't Tweet anything unless I feel I have a reason which in this case would be chu guys.

I really don't know how I should go about this so please leave your thoughts in the comments and maybe I will decide to do something.

(P.S. I am not sharing my Twitter name (although you could probably find it...) because I don't even know if I will use it for anything except reading other people's posts)

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