Chapter 7

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Katelyns. POV

"So we're in the ruins..."
"And we'll be camping in this building"
"Doesn't that defeat the idea of camping...?" I questioned Travis
"I see why you're worried but be quiet and follow me" said Travis before grabbing my hand and dragging me along after him.

I didn't even notice that Travis had pulled me into the crumbling building because I was so concentrated on his hand holding mine.
The sensation was weird, not uncomfortable but still bizarre.
In a way it brought back memories, I had been cut off from my family when I went to the guard training school and after that I joined the Jury.
So physically touching someone for a purpose that wasn't killing them was still...

My attention was drawn to the room we had just walked into when Travis came to a stop.
I looked around the room to see that there was no roof and that the far left wall had not entirely fallen down but was still quite noticeable.

One element that stood out in the room was a big hole in the wall, I let go of Travis' hand and went over the hole to inspect it, it had iron doors on it and the "room" inside was big but not high enough for someone to crawl into...

My thoughts were cut short upon hearing "It's a bread oven" from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Travis was standing close behind me and was also looking at the "bread oven".

"I found it when we first came to the ruins" He explained
"Oh... does that mean we'll be making bread? Because I'm warning you I can't cook for the life of me--"
"Woah! Slow down Katelyn! One step at a time" Said Travis chuckling at my rambling.


"Travis if you don't stop poking that fire I swear to Irene I might just cut your finger off..." I groaned watching him play with the fire we'd lit in the bread oven.
"You wouldn't would you?" He said spinning around to face me.

I gave him my best "are you serious" look before shaking my head and saying "No, now come here!" I patted the spot next to me.

He grinned before walking away from the fire and sat down on the sleeping bag next to me and turning towards me.

"What" I said blankly
"Can't a man admire a woman without been questioned?" He asked almost innocently

He burst into laughter at the look I must have had on my face before putting his hand on my shoulder which oddly enough relaxed me. He must have noticed that my muscles had relaxed at his touch because he gave me a knowing look and shot me a genuine smile.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now...?" He asked tilting his head to one side slightly

I stared at him not really knowing what to do, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks which was not something I was used to, I had an inner battle with myself and somehow ended up admiring his features, I never noticed how he had a little scar on his jawline, somehow it added to his alluring appearance.

Without been aware of my actions I reached up with my hand and touched his scar, he flinched a bit and his hand shot up and held my wrist. My attention was drawn to his eyes that were gazing at me in such a way I couldn't explain the feeling.

We sat in that position for I don't know how long just watching each other, in the period of time we'd been sitting his hand had reached up and stroked my face, the tingling sensation his touch left behind had me mesmerised but I snapped out of my thought when I realised how close his face was to mine.

The thing that scares me was that his face was moving closer and our lips was a mere inches away from touching.

"R-Right! Time to cook those s-sausages!" I panicked jumping up and away from my position on the floor which happened to be very close to Travis. Before I turned towards the bread oven where the fire was burning I could have sworn that I saw a look of hurt on Travis' face but I quickly ignored it and found something for myself to do. Distracting myself.


So what do you guys think of this Chapter? It has been a very ling time since I uploaded (I went on holiday which I forget to mention... Also where I was, the WiFi was crap, excuse my French) so I decided I as a sorry I would "try" and involve a bit of Travlyn action... Also would you like to see more moments like these going into deeper thoughts?
Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and COMMENT <3

[Travlyn] In The Woods Of The IslandWhere stories live. Discover now