Chapter 4

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I have developed a problem when I watched the end of MyStreet Season2 Episode1... I'm not freaking out... But I am however smiling and giggling nonstop... I think this scares my family more than when I'm screaming my head off and talking gibberish...


Katelyns. POV

"I said no."
"Oh but please Miss Katelyn!" Begged Dimitri who was once again whining about something or the other.
"What's the definition of No?" I said giving him the usual question
"Screw the definition!" He said jumping up from the ground he had been rolling around on not to long ago.
"Excuse me! You are asking for several hundred laps around the barn!" I said raising my voice.

I can't deny, I'm not bad when it comes to teaching and been strict about it but when I'm faced with a whining child who is yelling in my ear, and been rather disrespectful...
I sadly can't help but let my anger get to me...

"No! But--"
"Dimitri I suggest you start doing some laps now or I might have to call your mother, and I know that she won't be happy about your misbehaving either!" I said now starting to talk loudly... (A.N: PFFFFFT Katelyn doesn't yell! She talks LOUDLY)

Dimitri gave me a look that said 'Your mean but I'm only doing this because I don't want to get in trouble' which he actually gave me alot but he always came around.

Once he was on his fifth lap I called over to him, "Do 20 more laps, be good and maybe I'll go and talk to Aphmau about taking you camping!"

I quite clearly saw the look of excitement on his face as he sped up and ran around the barn like a maniac.

"Not treating him too badly are you?" Said a voice chuckling from behind me.
"Not really, for a future Lord he is going to have learn things like this." I replied still watching him run.
"What? Become a master at running?" Said Lucinda who stepped forward to be beside me
"No, to be strong, a Lord needs to be strong so they can lead their people"
"You think I don't know that?" Lucinda asked turning to face me
I nodded "Sorry I forget you were technically a Lord"
"Yes, "Technically" I was." She replied looking back at Dimitri

There was a long pause between the two of us, Lucinda and I don't talk much given we don't really find ourselves around each other very often. I'm mostly watching Dimitri and I have no idea where Lucinda is half the time...

"Have you seen Travis?" She asked, suddenly breaking the silence
"What? Why?" I said snapping my head up to look at her
She paused looking at me "Because I wanted to talk to him about his book"
"Oh... No Sorry to say I haven't" I replied
"Hm, thank you anyway. I will see you later" She said before walking off somewhere

When she was a couple of metres away from me she turned around.

"Also he's kind of cute so the more time I spend with him the better" She said with a quick smile before spinning around and continuing to walk.

I really didn't like her last comment but I decided to ignore it and go back to watching Dimitri.

Travis's. POV

I knocked on the door of Aphmaus house, she didn't answer, yet I knew she was in there so I knocked again.
After a few short moments I heard footsteps walking towards the door.
A sleepy looking Aphmau opened the door and looked puzzled for a second before smiling.

"Oh! Hello Travis" She said rubbing a bit of sleep out of her eyes
"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked scratcing the back of my neck.
"You did, bit don't worry about it! It was time I woke up anyway..." She said hurriedly
I nodded in response, I knew she was lying but I decided not to push it.
"Can I help you with anything?" She asked leaning on he doorframe.
"Umm, yeah... Can I come in?"

Aphmau nodded with a smile before stepping to the side and signaling for me to come in.
I went to the table and pulled out a chair and sat down while Aphmau sat down on her bed, she really did look tired but yet again, she has done for a while.

"So...?" She said telling me I could start talking
"Who's Jeffrey the GoldenHeart?" I asked a bit to quickly
She looked at me with a confused almost sad expression, "Why do you ask?"
"Just something I heard..." I mumbled not wanting to mention the locket
She paused before answering "Jeffrey was a member of the Jury of Nine, you've heard of it. Ivy is a member of the Jury if that gives you an idea" She said trailing of at the end

I paused to think things through for a moment, the logical thing for me to think was that Jeffrey was another one of the evil little suckers working for Tuh'La but I asked anyway.

"Does that mean he's a traitorous little sucker as well?" I asked frowning slightly
"No, no! Not at all! Jeffrey wasn't given the title 'Jeffrey the GoldenHeart' for nothing!
He was a kind soul who cared for his daughter,
he actually let me leave with some-- cough --stolen items... But that's another story..." She exclaimed
"'Was...?'" I asked, repeating the word she had used several times.
She sighed "I say 'was' because Jeffrey died a long time ago"

I remained silent and searched my memories for anything that could help make this clearer, I understand roughly who he was but I don't see the connection between him and Katelyn.

"Why do you ask?" Asked Aphmau breaking the silence
"Oh! Ehh... I, ehh..." I said quickly realising that I should have known she wouldn't have taken my first answer...
"It's something to do with Katelyn isn't it." She said bending over to hold her chin in her hands.
"Travis...I know it's about her, spit it out." She replied in a calm tone

I sighed and sat up straight in the chair, I scratched the back of my neck out of habit and looked out of the window avoiding Aphmaus gaze.

"I may or may not have found a few of her belongings that consisted of a picture of 'Jeffrey' and I may or may not have been jealous at the thought of her with another man..." I said still avoiding her gaze.
"Well, if you want to know about Jeffrey and Katelyns relationship, go ask her because I am not saying anything." Said Aphmau standing up from the bed and walking to the door.
"But! Then she would know I looked through her things!" I protested while standing up from my seat to stand in front of Aphmau.

"Tough luck, now. Out!"

That was the last thing I heard Aphmau say before laughing and pushing me out the door, the sensation of a door slamming into your back isn't exactly enjoyable...

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