Chapter 11

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Travis'. POV

"Garroth have you seen Katelyn anywhere?"

Sadly I was not blessed with an answer, all I got was Garroth bursting into laughter...

"What?!" I asked exasperated
"She asked me the same thing about 20 minutes ago" he said with a massive grin
"What direction did she go in?"

Once again... I was rewarded with Garroth bursting into laughter and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Garroth... just spit it out already!" I groaned, shaking his hand off my shoulder
"Trust me you do not want to run into her..."
"Garroth! By Enki! Will you just tell me!" I said my voice coming out a bit louder than I expected

He looked at me for a few seconds, clearly trying not to smile might I add, before answering to my "outburst".

"Lady Katelyn, wants... to... kill... you..." He spoke slowly in an almost mocking tone.

He must have read the look of confusion on my face and soon elaborated.

"I'm not sure exactly but I know you did something, touching her things--"
"What?! I haven't touched her butt in days!" I screeched
"Uh... Okay... all I know is that she's looking for you and plans on giving you a good beating, so she says" He replied uncomfortably

I looked at him for a few moments, deep in thought before I turned around and ran.
I didn't know alot about Katelyn but one thing I did know, is that she was serious, I couldn't think of why she would be so mad at me but I did know I should either: find her and talk it out, or hide.

Honestly hiding sounded better but I couldn't help but feel it was my responsibility to sort this out, while running around aimlessly looking in the barn and unfinished buildings I let my thoughts wonder and I found myself thinking back to everything I'd done involving Katelyn.

Many things came to mind, but one thing was obvious.

I ran back to the house I'd been staying in with Garroth and Dimitri. I burst through the door to find the house was empty, I proceeded to rummage through my things until I found it.

I frowned slightly at the sight of the picture but stuffed it in my pocket anyway and quickly left the house slamming the door shut behind me.


I sat at the bottom of the pole in the clearing (He is not dancing to the people who thought of that!) and waited. It was the one place I knew she would come to if she was looking for me.

I watched the day slowly pass as she still hadn't turned up, she was bound to show at some point but until then, I waited.
I looked up at the tree she always sat in, it was odd been in the clearing without her sitting up there shooting me remarks or trying to hit me over the head with a stick.
I smiled at the thoughts of those few times we had trained together, sadly my smile vanished when a hand clamped over my mouth causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

Shortly followed after, the sensation of warm breath near my neck and a whisper.

"Did nobody teach you to always stay aware of your surroundings?"

Hey guys sorry this Chapters short, I don't have an excuse other than I've been a lazy ass!
Anyway just wanted to say a quick Congratulations to br3nnnnn for
reaching over 400 followers! <3

Also have a pressie Brenna!

Your turn FireFoxCamille ;-)

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Your turn FireFoxCamille ;-)

[Travlyn] In The Woods Of The IslandWhere stories live. Discover now