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"Baby girl, I'm glad you're home, but what happened? You're a week early," Jared snuggled closer to his girlfriend.

"You don't like it?" she looked up at him.

"I love it."

She just started sobbing, scaring Jared. "Babe, it was him."

"What are you talking about?"


"Did he do something to you?!" he asked Ondine in panic.

"Yes...I mean, not now...a long time ago. He was the one, Jay! He admitted it. He was the one who robbed me."

"What?! I'm gonna kill him!" he sat up.

"All the fear from that night just came back, babe. It was like I was transported back to that dark alley."

"I'm sorry, Ames," he rubbed her back to console her.

"I just had to get out of there as soon as possible. I got to thinking, why did I easily trust someone who actually did me wrong, but had a hard time giving you the benefit of a doubt, the one I'm supposed to love so much," she explained in between sobs. "My logic was all wrong."

"Babe, don't cry...you're home now.  You're safe now," Jared wiped her tears away.    

"I've always felt safe with you.  Maybe that's why I had no reservations just jumping into bed with you even way back then, even when all we did was trade barbs with each other, was because I always felt comfortable with you.  I'm not usually that way with other people, the way I was with you.  I could never just start getting into a war of words with people I didn't know," she let out a soft chuckle.  "But with you, it was so natural."    

"The more you hate, the more you love," he kissed the tip of her nose.    

"I never hated you...well, in retrospect, I never did.  Not like how I feel towards Brady," her eyes narrowed into slits.     

"Ames, I don't care what you say, you're staying here, in LA.  You're staying here with me."    

"You're staying in LA?"    

"Yes, for a few months until we tour, and even then you're going with me wherever the band goes,"  Jared's voice was full of determination.   

"Wow, so bossy," she traced circles on his chest, her tone playful, but she liked that he took charge.    

"I have to be...because you can be so stubborn," he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him.  "So...are we okay?"    

"More than okay," she smiled up at him.  "But what do you mean I'm staying with you?"    

"You're moving in with me."    

"At Em J's?"    


"Shouldn't we ask her first?"    

"First of all, it's not her house, it's OUR house.  And second of all, we can get our own apartment if you don't feel comfortable.  All I know is, I want you with me."    

"Okay," she kissed him quickly on the lips.    



"I love you so much," he rolled on top of her and kissed her deeply.  "Babe, I don't want children..."    

"Okay," Ondine closed her eyes.  "I didn't think you'd change your mind."    

Jared smiled.  "I don't want children unless they're with you.  In the future...when we're both ready."    

Ondine opened her eyes in a flash.  "Babe, you don't have to do things that you don't want to do just because of me."    

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