new house

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I wake up to an annoying beeping sound, then to someone ripping my blankets off of me.

 "Time to wake up ma....omg is that a stuffed animal," Staci says "it's so cute". 

I blush while looking down at Sid, and yes I do have a stuffed dog and her name is Sid, I had it since I was born the nurse said my mother left it for me. I shake my head to get out of that train of thought. 

I don't need to think about that now

"Thanks," I say when my blush went down, "Um why are we getting up".

"Oh, it's 11:30 we have to be at the Bella's house at...well now or we are going to be late," she says.

I have a feeling Staci is late to a lot of things.

 "OK, I'm all packed are you?" I say looking at Staci's side of the room, and surprisingly it's all pack up with three suitcases and two big garbage bags.

"Yes, i got the wheelie thing so we can have all of are bags on it to get there faster," she says. I help her put her bags on it, then i stuffed Sid in my backpack grabbed my suitcase then we were off. 

When we reached the Bella's house i didn't think the house would be this nice.( i am terrible at describing things so it is the same house in pitch perfect 2, sorry). When we walked in Staci went to our room with her bags and my one, and told me to go sit in the living room. Yeah we are still sharing a room which was cool.

I walk into the living room and sat on one of the three couches that were there. Some of the other girls were there too like fat Amy, CR, Lilly, Ashley, and Jessica. They are all talking to each other when the other girls came in. we all sat on the couches some talking and others listening 

When Staci said, "We should have a party, just with us, like a welcome home thing" she adds the last part fast when Aubrey gave her a look when she said party. 

"Yeah, we can play games to get to know little bit," fat Amy says.

I have been playing with my hands the whole time, but I was still listening so when i felt eyes on me i looked up. 

"Um..I guess i'm little bit" I somewhat ask.

"Yeah, and you're the only new one here, so who else would we get to know".

When she finished talking i was really red. 

God i need to control my blushing. "Uh yeah i guess you're right"

Staci then a got what she called big girl drinks while I had a can of pop. 

"let's play truth or dare," Ashley says. I look around to see head nods from everyone but Aubrey and beca. Beca just shrugged well Aubrey has a little frown on her face. 

I'm on the floor, my back to the couch that has Chloe, beca, and Aubrey. I am seated in between beca legs and Aubrey's knees. which are right next to my head because when i sat on the floor she come and sat closer to beca with her feet tucked under her. 

I'm looking at Aubrey frown when i noticed how soft her lips look. They're so pink....they look so soft and glossy....I wonder what they feel like...

what the fuck am I thinking?

I shake my head and look up to see her looking at me with a smirk and her eyes hold something in them which i can't place. I look to beca to see she has the same smirk and then i look at Chloe who has her head on beca's shoulder she has a smile/smirk on her face then she...winked at me. 

I am so fucking confused right now.

"OK everyone, truth or dare, here are the rules, if you don't do the dare or truth then you have to um" Staci get cut off by a small whisper by Lilly, "you have to shave your head". 

Staci and everyone looks at Lilly, " have to shave your head". 

"What no!" Aubrey yells, but Staci cuts her off "too bad, rules are the rules let's begin.   

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