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Out of the blue, we all heard a mighty cry. "Yo my name's Apollo."

A girl retorted, "Your brain is rock hollow." I snickered a little.

"Hey!" Apollo complained. I mean, they weren't my first choice, but they would do. Plus I should probably get to know my father-in-law. I saw a flying. The first thing I thought was, "Why are you in a flying car, you're not Harry Potter or Ron Weasley." Apollo pulled up in what he liked to call his "Chick Magnet."

"How's my favorite sun?" (no pun intended)

"Hi, Apollo, I'm fine, besides the fact that Camp is being attacked on my wedding day! And I'm not your sun. I'm your son-in-law." I grumbled.

"Oh give the child a break, Apollo." Thank gods for Artemis. Wait, was she my aunt-in-law? Whatever, they were here, now, and we needed them.

"Thank the gods for Artemis." I relaxed a little.

"Hey! What about me?" Apollo complained. I groaned. Thankfully Artemis gave Apollo a set of keys to play with and he got lost in his short attention span. Something about getting "lost in himself". Typical Apollo.

When he was finished marveling at himself he said the most irrelevant and stupidest thing ever. "Have you guys heard of that new Broadway show Hamilton? I heard it was really good. Though I can't imagine how a musical about a man who invented the little telephone can be so exciting and interesting."

I rolled my eyes at him. "We need to fight. I don't know if you've noticed but we are currently under attack by a bunch of Giants! Not to mention the fact that this is my wedding day and it was supposed to be perfect!" I shouted at him. I couldn't help it. I lost my cool very easily and he was practically holding a torch under it.

Annabeth cut in before someone's head got ripped off. "Boys! We're fighting giants not each other. Pull yourselves together and let's fight some Giants!" She screamed at us. Like I said, she was a scary woman. Honestly, if she had like a little less brains she would be an Ares kid.

We quickly went over the battle strategy. Demi-gods act as a distraction, while gods maim and kill. It was the best plan we had. So we went with it. Even if it meant I was being used as bait, yet again. Only this time the Giants weren't holding me in a jar with no food or oxygen.

Alright, let's do this. I sighed and followed Annabeth and Percy.

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