I'll teru your teru
I'll kiri your giri
I'll hana your mura
I'll asa your hina
I'll haga your kure
I'll neko your maru
I'll bya your kuya
I'll ku your wata
I'll dangan your ronpa

Stuff I Feel Like Posting But Don't Have a Book For
AcakThis is the best randomness ever. Lol this is the journey of my life into the Danganronpa fandom and into the perverted person I am today Basically a bunch of random crap X3 Highest Rank: 81 in random 6/15/16-327 in random 6/18/1...
Dirty Danganronpa
I'll teru your teru
I'll kiri your giri
I'll hana your mura
I'll asa your hina
I'll haga your kure
I'll neko your maru
I'll bya your kuya
I'll ku your wata
I'll dangan your ronpa