This Third Kid

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Who was obsessed with this movie Cool Cat Saves The Kids and found this second grader who looked like this kid from the movie named Butch The Bully. The whole recess he tried to sneak past the monitors onto the second grade side. One time he chased the kid onto the turf. At the end of recess he snuck with his back against the building and he motioned the kids towards him. The kids backed away. He then started to chase the kid. Now, the kid was a bit obese. But so was the kid I'm talking about. He couldn't catch the obese second grader. And then this skinny second grader started chasing him and he couldn't catch him. This continued while I was laughing and trying to avoid peeing my pants (since senpai was just across the lot). This stopped when a teacher we call Mama Griz walked up to the kid and stopped him. And that's the kid.

(Kid furthest to the right)

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