One | Reputation

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Bruce never found himself largely excited to go to these things. Galas were where rich people would gloat and boast about how rich they were or about how lively their lifestyles were.

But not Bruce Wayne. Even if it was just a façade, he wasn't sure if his alter ego would go as far as to ruin his father's self-righteous reputation. Even if he did end up doing so regrettably but purposefully to keep up his public image.

"I'm here with billionaire Bruce Wayne at the third annual Gotham Heights Fundraiser held at the Vreeland Estates. Bruce, how do you feel about the events that have been happening in the Heights for the past five years?" Vicki Vale--the red-headed reporter who he had allegedly 'romanced' once or twice-- stuck the microphone in his face. He fought a scowl and gave a large dazzling fake smile.

"Well Vicki, in the Heights, there are people--kids that aren't getting the things they need like food and clothing. With the help of Goth Corp, Wayne Enterprises, and numerous other companies, we're helping those in need." Only half of what he was saying was completely true. The part about people in the Heights not getting what they needed was true, but the part about Goth Corp giving and helping those in need certainly wasn't. The other him had been snooping around only to find that Goth Corp had been embezzling almost all of the fundraising money meant for the heights and storing it in its own company. Bruce Wayne didn't know that but the Batman did. They were going to go down for all of it.

Vicki gave a wide smile and batted her eyelashes. "That's a great thing you're doing for all of those people out there, Mr. Wayne, including the kids." There was a hint of allurement staining her voice. Bruce chose to ignore it. Like he always did.

"We're doing it especially for the kids, Vicki." He smiled at her before continuing. "Those kids out there that are malnourished are also lacking education. The Wayne Foundation is here to give it to them." The kids. A lot of the time it was about the kids. What was coming out of his mouth now was truth in all rights. In this part of time, he wasn't just striving to keep up his reputation. For once, he wanted to make a difference outside the mask.

Vicki's giggle brought him out of his head and he looked down at her. "Wow." Was all she could say with a grin. He continued to smile.

Suddenly he felt someone almost violently yank his arm and his head snapped in their direction.

Veronica Vreeland, someone he'd know since before he was born had both of her hands wrapped around his bicep, her face extremely urgent.

Bruce looked back at Vicki, whose eyebrows were raised in curiosity. "Um, excuse me, Vicki." He said with a small smile before he let Veronica pull him away.

"Roni?" He asked, curiously, but she said nothing as she continued to pull him through the sea of classically dressed men and women.

"Roni, what's going on?" He asked, but again there was no answer as she pulled him near the entrance of the mansion. There stood a ring of people in a sort of half crescent all chattering and watching someone. Because he was so far to the side, Bruce couldn't see much of the person who was coming through the entrance and what all the chatter was about.

He looked down at Veronica who was too intrigued by the sight of someone he couldn't see. "What's going on?" He asked.

Veronica looked up with a slightly agitated and nose stuck up expression before rolling her eyes and taking his hand.

"Excuse me." she slid past people and pulled Bruce through so they could have a better view.

Bruce continued to look down at her with an upturned eyebrow and she looked up at him again with annoyance and with her other hand outstretched as to gesturing with it, "Look, Bruce!" She hissed and he sighed. Looking up, all he saw was Vale's cameraman at first, but then as he stepped out the way, he suddenly understood what could've been so urgent.

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