Three | Fatale

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For some unjust reason, Commissioner Gordon could not get Alberto Betoli to stop crying.

If there was a first he'd ever seen, it would be seeing a notorious crime boss sobbing uncontrollably. He was sitting across from the crying man, who was cuffed to the table, gazing at him with a disturbed upraised brow. He was an absolute mess. Physically, he seemed untouched, his very nice suit remained intact, as did his slicked back silvery hair, but his face was red with pressure and his eyes were puffy. He continued to wail loudly, letting his head fall into his shackled hands, muffling it a little bit.

"How long has he been keeping this up?" Gordon asked, looking up at Officer Montoya who only shook her head with her arms crossed. "We found him like that. Up on East. Pouring his eyes out and wailing the name Gabriella over and over again." She said softly, gazing at the man she couldn't help pity. He just looked so...broken.

"Gabriella?" Jim inquired, looking up. Renée shrugged. "We've got Detective Holstein on it." She shook her head again. "The crazy part is, he turned himself in." This made the Commissioner look up at her with surprise, upraised brows.

He turned back to the criminal. "Betoli, who did this to you?" He inquired, leaning forward on the desk. The man continued to cry.

"Was it him?" He asked, not speaking the name in case he would react to it.

Betoli shook his head with it between his hands. "Era la donna..." he muttered between softer sobs. "Fatale..."

Jim looked at the Officer with confusion once more. She was staring intently.

The door opened behind them and they looked back. Officer Drury was leaning in with a look of urgency. "Commissioner Gordon, you have to see this."

Montoya and Gordon shared a look before removing themselves from the room, leaving the crying man alone to himself.

They followed the Officer down the hall to holding. Then suddenly they were baffled.

Bruno Moretti. Casper Romano. Two huge Italian gangsters. Battling for the East end for five years straight. They were enemies to the worst degree.

And yet now they were sitting side by side in silence.

Moretti, a little older than Moretti in his white suit had his face in his hands like Betoli did, though Gordon was unsure if he was crying. Romano was looking at nothing with his head back against the wall, a dead look in his eyes.

"What the hell is this?" Gordon's voice was low as he looked over at Montoya. She was shaking her head, bewildered to an understandable extent.

"Who brought you these men?" His attention was now on Drury who was simply shaking his head. "Anderson said they were picked up separately on a run through." He looked at the two gentlemen in the cell. "Romano hasn't said a word." He looked down at a piece of paper. "But Bertrand wrote down something Moretti was saying on his way here." Gordon was handed the piece of paper, and upon scanning it over, he was confused. "This isn't English."

There were a few foreign words, scribbled in the black ink of someone's car ride handwriting. Lei mi ha fatto.

Officer Drury nodded dismissively. "It's Italian, we ran it past Detective Carter."

"Well, what does it mean?" Renée asked and Jim nodded in agreement with her inquiry.

He looked over at Moretti and Romano. Moretti hadn't lifted his face, but Romano's dead gaze was on him now. "She made me."

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