Eight | Beauty

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Elizabeth lived on the other side of the bay.

It was understandable, for the populous district had scarred her to some extent in her childhood.

Her politeness enabled her to be liked by most, for she was charming and had the wits of a brilliant lady.

It was that of her beauty that captured the eyes of the remainder. She could've simply been old news, blown away by the wind of new press, but apparently, she was too beautiful to be forgotten. Ironically, it was an ugly truth. In a boardroom with only men, she was always looked upon as the pretty young woman that they were ogling or trying to impress.

So much for the break away from the patriarchy.

Things made more sense across Gotham Bay. It was an incomplete escape from terror she should never have removed herself from. She found it a flaw within herself.

As he watched her give a small playful curtsy to the doorman, who'd no doubt complimented her appearance, he couldn't help but think how much her beauty affected him. Was it shallow to be mesmerized by it above all else? Possibly. Her intelligence turned the tides. He knew better.

Across the bay at the top of the Lotus Gardens building. Previously owned penthouse. High ground, better security, well protected.


He was still looking up at it when she noticed the familiar face that she cared for a great deal many years ago.

"Oh, Alfred!" She threw her arms over his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug. He was laughing gleefully. "It's been a long while, Ms. Jefferson." He pulled back to look at her grinning face. "My you haven't changed a bit. Beautiful as always."

"Please don't make me blush." She laughed. "You look very good yourself, how've you been, old friend?"

"Very well, thank you." He smiled. "Now I believe that it is my duty to chauffeur the two of you to your ball." He moved to open the door for her, but Bruce's sudden reaction stopped him.

"I've got it, Al." He said with a nod, making the Butler smile knowingly on the inside.

Of course you do, his eyes said.

Elizabeth looked at him for the first time with those pools of brown gold in her eyes and fluttered her lashes as her dark red lips curved into a polite smile. "You look very handsome this evening, Bruce."

He smiled in thanks as he looked at her with a subtle kind of awe. Perhaps it was something new she was doing with the dark makeup, he'd never seen it before, but it was different. A good kind of different.

"And as always, you're far too beautiful for words." He grinned charmingly at her as she laughed quietly, flattered.

He opened the door for her with a teasing kind of gentlemanly grin, making her smile. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne."

Before stepping in himself, he glanced up at her building one last time.

As Elizabeth was looking through the contents of her Chanel clutch for her lipstick, Bruce caught a glimpse of Alfred glancing at him with a proud smirk. He was returned a warning expression, advising him not to try anything. His warning was not headed. He looked back towards the road with a mischievous grin, "Ms. Jefferson, I must ask..." he began, prompting her to look up. "Yes, Alfred?"

Bruce was nearly moved to shake his head with a palm to his face. Alfred had a habit.

"Have you gotten around to any recreational activities since your return to Gotham?"

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