Middle Schoolers

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(Long, suckey unedited chapter. Toda, heres your author working her crap magic :3 )

     Eleven blonde, middle school girls were sitting in the crammed room. All of them seemed awkward, fiddling with their fingers, hair, or even studying random things in the room that didn't even matter. Sherlock glanced among the group, his eyes sharp, trying to pick up anything he could be missing. Something was bugging him. Something, one little thing, was going to drive him up the wall by the end of the hour.

     John cleared his throat, causing all the girls to look up at him, "So, I assume you all know why you're here. You've all been sent through questioning... But, we never caught our main culprit. We're having... A bit of, trouble, I suppose you could say." John was trying to make what he was saying appear normal, but everything Sherlock told him to say just wasn't... Normal. It was odd. It was like, he was trying to fulfill the murderer's satisfaction. To him, it just didn't seem right.

     He sighed, looking around the group. He took a quick glance at Sherlock, who seemed to be studying the girls. His eyes flashed to any sign of discomfort, any sign of a new cocky attitude, any sniffle or bat of the eye. John sighed again, this time, gaining a glare from Sherlock.

     "Anyways... I am Doctor John Watson, and I am the partner and blogger to the famous consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes," John gestured towards Sherlock, and immediately, all the girls in the room were staring him down. John had to keep in a snort of amusement at the looks on some of the girls faces. Sherlock cocked his head slightly at one girl, who bit her lip. She seemed to notice his gaze, and immediately glanced back into her lap, blushing like a mess. John had to hold back a chuckle of amusement. He always found it amusing when a young girl found an older man attractive. It was always a silly thought to him. Although, Sherlock was technically a celebrity. And everyone had a celebrity crush at some point. John began to think back to his old celebrity crush, but before he could even remember her name, Sherlock kicked him from under the table to get him to continue.

     "Ah- yes, anyways... About the murder. Technically, we're about to put you all through a quiz. Then, Sherlock will explain the results to all of you. He'll be observing you... But, try to remain... Natural?" His last word came out more of a question, but he simply shrugged it off and continued with what he was saying.

     "So. First off, you'll all be doing this mentally... I'm sorry if you struggle with any of these questions...." His voice trailed off for the hundredth time, and Sherlock rolled his eyes. John looked down at Sherlock for his approval, but Sherlock merely blinked at him, unimpressed. Thats when John remembered he forgot a very important fact.

     "Oh! And- you'll all find out why we called only you select students into this special interrogation," He blurted quickly, before sighing in relief that he remembered to mention that. A few of the girls seemed to visibly relax, but Sherlock rolled his eyes with an annoyed groan.

     "John," He snapped. John looked down at him, confused. What could he possibly have left out? Sherlock rolled his eyes at John's perplexed look, and he looked around the room.

     "Introduce yourselves, in order from the door to the back of the room," He demanded, a clear bored tone in his voice. This wasn't as fun as he had calculated. All the girls were to... Awkward.

     Sherlock looked straight at the girl that was sitting right by the door, and she immediately started to squirm under his gaze.

     "Nikki, um... 14....?" She stumbled over her words. Sherlock hadn't exactly given them any instructions on how to introduce themselves.

     "Just your names," Sherlock snapped, before muttering. "I already know your ages, anyways." Nikki flinched, before nodding and sinking into her chair. Sherlock rolled his eyes at the girl's strange behavior, and his gaze shifted to the next girl.

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