A Moment of Peace

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(Ha! Two chapters in one day! What do you have to say about dem apples??? >:D )


"What do you mean we can't interview her today?" John spat menacingly. Jinxs was being a real pain in the butt, and was refusing to have the biggest suspect called in for another interrogation.

"I mean, she's been in her two, maybe three days in a row now. We can not have her here for a fourth interrogation so quickly. It would be a violation of-" Jinxs was quickly thrown aside by Sherlock, however.

"This is ridiculous! She is involved in this murder, she's involved in pretty much everything. She knows so much, and after googling her, I discovered-"

"You googled a young girl?" Jinxs repayed him for cutting him off.

"Yes! But thats not the point! She comes from a family of hunters! Her grandfather has completed and passed a concealed carry course for guns, she lives with her grandparents! She even has access to a stash of guns!" He snapped, causing John to put a hand on his shoulder before he did anything.

"So what, I doubt she'd be able to pass getting her hands on her family member's guns for long!" Jinxs argued, making John sigh and Sherlock flare up.

"She doesn't have them for very long! She shoots them, then is gone within an instant!" Jinxs opened his mouth to argue some more, but Sherlock continued before he could say anything. "All those rain coats! All those things that have the brands ripped off and the sizes torn to pieces,  her grandmother volunteers for a clothing company! They're supposedly fashionable raincoats, with ridiculous stripes and dots and silly colors that make no sense! She has access to the company coats!"

"Well she wasn't there for the murder, you should know, she was with you when the last one happened!"

"She doesn't have to have committed the crime, she was still involved somehow!"

"Well, you'll just have to be patient! Unless you can't handle that, because I'll arrest you right here and now if thats the case!" Jinxs quipped angrily.

"I can be patient!" Sherlock roared, and he finally lost his nerve and yelled, "Maybe if you could wrap your puny little mind around this you would understand that another murder could take place within an hour! But you're to big of a twat to-"

"SHERLOCK!" John warned him, yanking on his shoulder. Sherlock stopped yelling, however, he still glared holes into Jinxs's forehead. Still breathing heavily, he couldn't control himself if he had to open his mouth again, so he nudged John to signal for him to take over. John sighed, before stepping in front of him.

"Look, we're both sorry, but this really is important. And no matter how rudely he said it-" he pointed to Sherlock real quickly, "-he's right. Another murder could be taking place right now. This is the world's greatest detective, and he's solved plenty of murders that no one else could-"

"I understand that, Dr. Watson, but there are rules. I have to follow those rules, and so do you. Now, get out of my office," Jinxs hissed. John groaned again, before turning around, and leaving. Sherlock glared at Jinxs, before turning around to leave himself.

Sherlock quickly caught up to John, and they both left the station, before Sherlock grabbed John, stopping him.

"We don't need to interrogate her here. I memorized her address last night," Sherlock stated quickly, turning towards the direction they needed to go.

"You did what?"

"I memorized her address. I figured this would happen," He said, not really understanding that was inappropriate, however, John just brushed it off and decided to let something else bug him.

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