Case Closed.

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(A.N. I intend this to be the last chapter of this short story. Thank you to anyone who has bothered to read this. I enjoyed writing it, and I apologize for taking forever to write this.)

It was early in the morning when Kacy finally found the courage to get up. Her grandmother had come in late at night, exhausted and disappointed as she could find no bakery. 

Kacy stumbled about as quietly as she could, feeling every move she made was loud and obnoxious. Moving forward and out the door, she closed it behind her, eyes nervously skimming her surroundings. Carefully stepping down the hallway, she made her way to the little living room of the flat. She spotted John slightly snoring on the couch, and immediately she almost turned tail and fled.

But, she let a shaky breath out, remembering all the threats she had ever heard in her life. Tip-toeing to the kitchen, she began to slowly look through the drawers. A sense of dread filled her as she found her target: a knife provided by the hotel. Her breathes grew shaky, and she carefully picked it up, pinching the actual blade of the weapon as she carried it with two hands towards her next goal.

She froze several times, turning to glance at John while he was still in view, hoping dearly that he would wake and stop her. Anger filled her as her footsteps seemed to quiet down, but the anger inside her wasn't directed towards anyone but herself. Her hands started to shake, and she accidentally sliced her hand on the blade, and she jumped slightly and released the blade. Watching as beads of blood slowly turned to a tiny stream and slipped down her palm. 

She glanced back around, stepping over the few drops of blood that gathered on the ground. And before she even realized it, she arrived to her destination. Slowly opening the door, she immediately spied a mop of curly hair.

Her heart began to pump, and every wrong feeling in the world began to cross over her heart. This man, who had showed her kindness like no other and was trying to help her- and of all things, this was what she was going to do. Harmony had called her, and Kacy couldn't hold her own against her.

Harmony had quickly found out exactly where Kacy was, and who she was with. The minute she found out, she told Kacy what she needed to do. Kacy argued, but Harmony came out victorious in the end.

Kacy crept forward, her bloody palm continuously sliding down the blade in an attempt to hold it in place against her chest. Her body was tense, and it felt as if her feet were beginning to cramp with every closer step she took.

She barely noticed the light that was left on, or that Sherlock was fully dressed. All she was concerned about was that he was asleep. But at the same time, she was begging him to wake up. Wake up and stop her.

The words being read are slow, long and drawn out. But the steps that brought her closer to the sleeping man's body seemed to pass by in a blur. She barely noticed the silent tears that slid down her face. 

She was now hovering over him, and it was then that she lifted her hands clumsily gripping the blade above his face, but then, right at that moment, blood that had gathered in the cup of her palm fell onto his face. He flinched in his light sleep, causing her to jerk back and harmlessly drop the blade onto his chest.

He woke with a startled groan, and immediately took in his surroundings. The blade on his chest, lying there but not having impaled him. He reached up and felt the warm liquid dripping down his face, and gazed at the red liquid that covered his fingers as he glanced at Kacy. There was barely part of a second before his quick mind put two and two together.

Kacy felt relieved the moment he woke- she wouldn't have to do it. But based by the betrayal on his face, the relief quickly morphed into panic. She took off on shaky feet, and darted towards the door.

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