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"I can't believe we're doing this," John groaned as he shoved the key into the door, getting frustrated when he turned the key the wrong way.

"Well you obviously need to pay more attention, then," Sherlock quipped, and John's eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets from the way he rolled them.

Kacy and her grandmother had been standing quietly behind the two men, not bothering to ask questions. All Kacy knew was that these two men were trying to protect her, and that was good enough for her. For her grandmother, however, that's a bit of a different story. She planned to corner them and bombard them with questions until she was satisfied with their answers. However, it wasn't like Sherlock didn't already guess what the old woman planned to do.

John finally got the door open, and Sherlock shoved past him and flicked the light on with no time to waste.

"John, you'll be sleeping on the couch. I hope the two ladies don't mind sharing a room, then I will take what is already my room," He stated, and John scoffed.

"Aren't you the one who volunteered to have them stay here? Shouldn't you give up your own bed?" John inquired, already prepared to roll his eyes at Sherlock's answer.

"Of course not! I'll need a bed if my brain is to work properly for this case," He grinned, causing Kacy to hold in a giggle.

Eventually, Kacy and her Grandmother were given a room to share, and began to unpack. Once John was set up on the couch and the ladies were all set up, Kacy's Grandma immediately set out to buy cookies from the nearest bakery. Once the elder was gone, Sherlock immediately sat Kacy down in a chair, and was ready to hear the story.

"Do you think you feel safe enough to explain everything?" Sherlock asked, not wasting any time. Kacy quickly glanced around nervously, before slowly nodding.

"I won't tell you everything yet. I can't," She warned, and John nodded his head in understanding.

"That's quite alright, I'll be able to get the most out of what you tell me. Please, tell us how you got involved in all this," Sherlock said, slightly moving his chair so he could face her more directly. He gave her his full attention.

It took Kacy a little while to actually start talking, and when she did, she ran over her words like a track horse, "We-well, you already know this, but I've been picked on for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was little, I can remember how many people used to pretend to be my friends. How many people used to take advantage of me.

"But then we moved. And I thought I'd be able to find people I could actually trust. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was... But, that doesn't matter. It all started again. The kids in my class, they were so mean... So hateful. It was starting aga-again. It- it started again. I didn't want it to start again. I wanted it to end, so, the people I thought I was finally making friend's with... I told them. I told them everything about me, about how scared I was. And I-I couldn't help it. It just all spilled out, and then, they- they started to talk about finding a way to protect everyone. Not just me," She fiddled with her fingers, never bothering to look at the two men.

"They brought up the idea to get rid of the bullies. Permanently," John breathed, and Kacy fell forward a little bit.

"I'm so disappointed in myself," She whimpered, her frizzy hair covering her face. "I let them convince me that it needed to be done. That I'd be a hero. I'd be the hero of our class. Everyone would love me, and the first time- the first time I did it- I smiled. I smiled. I can't..." Her voice cracked, and Sherlock leaned forward, listening intently. He had already guessed most of what she had told him, and now he was guessing what she was going to tell him. But something was tugging at his brain. At first, he thought it was pity. But he slowly realized it was concern. This broken, tiny being in front of him- she had done something she regretted. Then she couldn't get herself out of it. It was an addiction, but it wasn't one she wanted. It was one she was forced into, unlike him and his own addictions.

Gently, Sherlock reached forward and rubbed Kacy's back. She jumped slightly, and John chocked on his spit as he watched his friend's tender actions towards the young girl.

"You're still better than most," Sherlock breathed, a sigh passing through his lips before he leaned back into his chair. "You don't have to continue- not now, if you don't want too. You can rest."

Kacy stayed still for a moment, before nodding and hesitantly shuffling up and out of her chair. She left without another word, and the minute the door closed behind her, John's head snapped in Sherlock's direction.

"You've never done that before," He gasped, "Never- not once. Not really."

Sherlock stayed silent, his hands hovering in front of his face as he breathed slowly, thinking of every possible outcome to this case. He stayed that way all night, and John eventually gave up on him, heading to make himself a cup of tea.

It wasn't much longer after John left the room that Sherlock's body relaxed, and he sighed as he rested his hands on his knee.

"I should have taken her phone away."

Two Lives Wasted- Sherlock Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now