Sherlock's Witness Protection

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(I was really disgruntled while writing this chapter cause I'm all stinky so sorry.)


"How did you know where I lived?" Kacy asked, twiddling with her hands in her lap. She was sitting on a little bench beside a pretty stone wall, vines with little green leaves and slightly shriveled purple flowers dotting the ground after falling from the vines. Leaves covered the rock path beneath their feet, either crunching or staying deadly silent.

"You're a social media flower. Having that much social media with information on it makes it easy to google you," Sherlock stated, standing in front of her. John stood quietly behind him, leaning against the house and listening to the conversation. 

A few seconds passed of what was expected to be an awkward silence, but passed rather as a peaceful silence. Somewhere behind the house in the canopy of trees, a hawk called. Kacy looked towards the trees, sighing slightly.

"I don't think thats legal," She mumbled, before asking a little louder, "Would it even be useful for me to deny not knowing anything?" John gave her a confused look, while Sherlock shook his head slightly. He knew she would be the weak link of the murders. She may be involved, but just by looking at her you could tell that she didn't have the heart for any of it.

"No. Not particularly," He answered honestly, and Kacy sighed again. She put her head in her hands, studying the different rocks beneath her feet.

"I- I can't admit to anything just yet. Not yet," The last part was a mere whisper, but it didn't past unheard.

"Why?" Sherlock shot the question quickly, his eyebrows knitting together, obviously perplexed by that statement.

"Because. I've never been this scared in my life. I've never been so terrified," She whimpered weakly. Sherlock couldn't help the look that passed over his face. It wasn't a rude look, it wasn't a distressed or a frustrated face. It was the rare expression of concern. However, his concern didn't stop him from questioning her further.

"Why are you afraid, Kacy?" He asked. He bent down slightly, trying to catch the girl's face. It was harder to read her without being able to see her face.

"Because they knew I'd be the one to give in," She nearly cried. "I think they used me. So I would get punished, so I would be the one to get caught."

"Why would you think that? And they? Is there more than one murderer?" He inquired, suddenly growing excited with the answers he was receiving.

"I can't tell you that here," She whispered again. Sherlock's eyebrows furrowed once more. He let her settle with that answer for a second, before attempting to get more answers from her.

"Are they going to hurt you if you tell me?" He asks with a sudden gentleness, and with one nod from Kacy, Sherlock felt his frown grow. This would not be a good thing. In fact, he believed this would make his job a little harder. Not like it mattered, a challenge was a good thing to him. It kept him entertained.

"Oh gosh," John mumbled, standing up straight. "We need to get her into some sort of witness protection program."

"That won't work," Sherlock stated as if it was obvious.

"What? Why?" John stepped in front of Sherlock, looking at him. At this point, Kacy had rose from her bench and stepped away slightly. She still listened, however.

"Look at her face. The murderers are her friends. They know her face, they know her every little secret. It would be useless," That was his first reason, " And we wouldn't be able to get the information ourselves. They would take her away and make her give them the information, most likely not share it with us. Idiot Americans. However, those useless twats can't solve the case on their own. All of this was well thought out. Its expensive. And it was thought out by young minds. Older people can't quite get as creative as the younger ones."

"Well we can't just leave her here. And she can't give us the information if they're going to kill her. And its not like we can just take her to our flat," John said, trying to think of different ways to protect the girl.

"Kacy. Go get your Grandmother, and make sure both of you pack bags for at least four days. At most a week. Actually, pack an extra set of clothes if you'd like. If you have any special drinks pack those too, and if you have any special snacks pack those because neither of us are going shopping for you," He instructed, immediately, John was staring him down. However, Kacy had already figured out what Sherlock was doing. She nodded, hoping her Grandma would just go with it, and speedily walked back to the house. Sherlock wasn't concerned about her running, he figured she's smart enough to realize that wouldn't help her current situation at all. At least, she seemed smart enough. Compared to him, well, the girl was an imbecile. But thats beside the point.

"What?" John nearly yelled. He had a slight idea of what Sherlock was doing, but other than that couldn't quite grasp the other end of the stick.

"Well, it happens to be we can take her to our flat. Her grandmother will be able to help us, whether she knows it or not. Plus, having her grandmother there will probably make her more comfortable. Oh!" He suddenly yelled, jogging to the door, and running in not bothering to knock. Upon entering, they could hear Kacy and her grandmother conversing upon the situation.

"Her grandfather and parents will want an explanation," He explained without needing to be asked as John followed behind him. Sherlock quickly located a pen and a little slower found a notepad, then he wrote a quick note with a simple yet vague reason for the girl and her grandma to be gone.

"'Please don't worry yourselves, the two are safe and sound. They will be gone for a few days, no more than a week. They will be protected.' How did you manage to make this sound so simple?" John sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly.

"Because it is simple," Sherlock shrugged, before ripping to note from the entire pad and sticking it on the microwave, where it was bound to be found.

"It really isn't. We're technically kidnapping them, or, well, we're helping them run away for a 'few days,'" It was obvious he didn't quite know how to explain what was happening.

"The family will be fine. Theres plenty of American fast-food places around here," Sherlock rolled his eyes, before turning when the thump of a suitcase was obvious down the stairs. Well, he knew for sure that Kacy wasn't very concerned about smelling nicely if she took so little time to pack.

"Almost ready to go?" He asked, and Kacy popped her head around the corner into the kitchen.

"I just want my chips," She grumbled, opening the pantry and shoving about five or six bags into her suitcase as well as a couple lollipops.

Sherlock poked his head over her shoulder to get a peak at the crisps, before mumbling, "Good choice," and grabbing a bag for himself. With that, the sound of another couple suitcases being dragged down the stairs echoed through the house, and the men and girl went to meet the pleasant old lady at the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't know whats going on, but I'm ready to go," Kacy's grandmother nodded, and Sherlock nodded back.

"Nothing major. I'm glad you aren't arguing."

"I'm arguing with you in my head," She nodded again with a sweet smile, and John snorted slightly.

"Can we just go now?" Kacy asked impatiently, and Sherlock nodded.

"I suppose so. Are you okay with walking?"

"Heck no."

"Well this will be a walk for you then," And with that, Sherlock was out the door in about a second.

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