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'I Lost Her I Lost Hope'

Leo's POV

I've know her my whole life yet it wasn't until she left that I realised how much I actually needed her.
Why didn't she say anything? I am... correction was her best friend. She could of trusted me.

Flash Back

"Kem! Wait up!" I ran towards her.
"Hey Leo. How was Mexico?" She said when she hugged me for the first time in 4 weeks.
"Good but it could of been better."
"What was it missing?"
"My boyfriend and my best friend,"
"Oh! You gay types always so sentimental,"
"Actually I'm bisexual and need I remind you I wasn't the one who called you at 2 in the morning because you saw a bird being saved by a dog."
"First of all it was a baby bird,. Second I forgot about the timezones."
"No excuses Kemberly Adams!"

*bell rings*

We run off to class. I am not going to be late for Mr Marbles class again. We ran around the corner and down the long hall way. Until we reached room E5, E for English and 5 for the number in the hallway.

*Second bell rings*

Just in time phew, thought I'd have detention on the first day. I'm not bad. I just get distracted from whatever they are teaching us. Like today we are talking about Myths and Legends yet I am staring out the window looking at two birds fight over a worm. I'm going for the grey bird his bigger than the other an obvious winner but the blue one still has a chance.

"Mr Cadwell, Athena was the goddess of..." said Mr Marbles.

"Um... War?"

"Why are you answering me with a question?"

"Because I felt like it." I replied as I stood up. "I believe we should all be allowed to answer the questions in what ever manner we want!" I said slamming my hands on the desk. "Whether it through dance or song or even simply nodding our heads. But we are told to wait until we are called upon then sit in our seats with our hands folded like so then answer like a dictionary." I stomped my feet and grunted.

"You know what Leo has a point." It was Kem standing up beside me. "Why should we listen to you talk talk talk talk talk talk talk all day. Where we could be exploring the world. It's an outrage! That's what it is an outer outrage!"

"Well I say!" Then the bell goes and everyone leaves.

"Not you Mister Caldwell and Ms Adams." Mr Marbles called as I stood up.

"Look Mr Marbles I am really sorry it's just I haven't had a break since I landed last night at 3 in the morning I then had to get up at 6 just to make it to school on time. Sorry again for ignoring school policy." I apologised.

"Me too I am sorry I backed up my friend," Kem said as she grabbed my hand.

"Well thank you for your apologies but next lesson please listen and try to learn something. You're dismissed," Mr Marbles said as he started wiping off the board ready for next lesson.

End Flash Back

She won't be there to support me anymore. She won't be there when Sir tells me off for speaking my mind. I need her but she's gone.

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