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Jessie's POV
Why did I even agree to go tonight? I don't want to go. How did Ace convince me? I hate these people. Okay, maybe hate is a strong word but let's face it, they don't exactly like me. Why should I like them? ARGH! What am I going to wear? I could I could...nah...maybe I should....nope.

I'm wearing my grey and black sweats, I don't need to look good for them. I tied my thin hair up in a tiny blonde bun and slipped on my joggers since I was walking there. As I went to walk out the door, my phone rang. Maybe it's dad, telling me he's coming home early. Doubt it.

I pick up my phone to see Cody's face on the screen. ARGH! "What?" I said a bit too forcefully.

"What's your address?" His gruffly yet still squeaky voice spoke.


"Do you want a ride or not?"

"It's a 10 minute walk. I think I can manage."

"It's raining."



"23 Burke Dr."

"I'll be there in 5." I hung up my phone, grabbed my keys and sat on the front porch. Stupid Mother Nature, now I have to deal with these idiots for another 5 minutes. You couldn't of rained, I don't know tomorrow or the day after.

Leo's beat up pulled up not 2 minutes later. "Get in!" He called with attitude from the open car window. But I didn't move.

"I thought Cody was picking me up? Why the hell are you here?" I stormed down the steps once I realised he really expected me to just 'get in'.

"Oh wow the princess swears does she?" His sarcasm was hilarious, please note my own sarcasm in this moment.

"All I said was hell." Rolling my eyes I buckled in.

"Look there you go again, what would God think if he was paying attention?" I knew he was joking and just trying to keep the conversation rolling but his words crawled under my skin and stuck there like a virus.

"Gosh what would your brother and father think if they heard you swearing like that?" An itchy, annoying virus that won't shut up.

"Why don't you just shut your trap? Since you haven't the first clue about me?" I folded my arms, looking out the foggy window onto the wet trees.

"I was just trying to make conversation, sorry your highness." With that final comment from him all conversation for the duration of our 5 minute car ride stopped until we reached the Ryan mansion.

"Thank you for the ride," I said politely before opening the door.

"Wait, sorry for being a dick. It's a copping mechanism." He tried to convince me he was sorry.

I just scoffed and walked away, making sure to leave to door open so rain could drench the inside of the run down vehicle. As my shoes squeaked on the grey marble tiles I heard the front door open in front of me just as Leo parked and locked the car behind me.

"Come in Jes," I heard a sweet, well intentioned mother call to me.

"Thank you Mrs Ryan," I jumped up the last few steps into the large welcoming room with its own crackling fireplace. I was instantly taken to the basement lounge where Ace, Cody and Arabella were already drinking out of shot glasses.

"Pull up a bean bag," Ace pointed to the darkest, furthest corner from where I entered. "Please sit near me, the two love birds are killing me." I look at Cody who is shifting uncomfortably underneath Arabella's sleeping form. I rolled my eyes, at his stupid drunk ness but sat beside him anyway.

"How long have you been drinking?"

"A couple of hours." I shook my head, school ended 4 hours ago and he has been drinking for 'a couple of hours'.

"Why are we here?" Leo said as he sat down beside me on the floor.

"Because I don't like drinking alone and Kane's not here tonight so... I invited you guys over so we could discuss you know what or just hang out before you know what happened." Ace has always been a talkative drunk. "So is there anything you want to get off your chest?" Ace asked the depressing group.

"Yeah, ...Kem left me a letter," Arabella sat up and dove into her cardigan pocket, so she wasn't sleeping. "Here, I can't read it." Her eyes glassed over as she handed the note to me instead of Cody, odd.

After reading the note out loud, I teared up then locked eyes with the closed off girl across the room. "Thank you showing me." I moved towards her but didn't get there as I tripped over my own big feet. Arabella raced to catch me but she only slowed my eventual grounding. I started giggling as did she as we tried to untangle ourselves but as I was laying there one of my favourite memories of Kem flashed through my eyes and fluttered in my heart.


My arms wrapped around her waist. She gasped, shocked by my sudden touch. She quickly relaxed when she realised who I was.

"Jess, don't scare me please." She spoke softly.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Only two people I know do that Cody and you." She turned to face me. "And I'm pretty sure Cody doesn't wear pink nail polish or has long hair that tickles my shoulder."

"Well, I like getting to hold you tight." I said as I pulled her closer placing a light kiss on her nose.

"Ok you know who Queen are right?" Kem pulled out her phone as she sat on her bed.

"Yeah, I think so." I tried remembering one of their songs as I sat beside my gorgeous girl.

"I Want to Break Free, Somebody to love? Oh you know 'em Jess," I nodded my head but was too focused on the passion of her love of music and sweet movement for her even sweeter lips.

"What do I have something on my face?" Kem panicked. "I probably look like a complete retard right now."

"No way," I leaned in. "You could never look anything less then gorgeous." As our lips connected our, I felt so alive. So perfectly okay in that one moment.

*End Of Flashback*

"Are you okay Jessie?" Arabella asked as we stood up.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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