Kemberly's Funeral

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Leo's POV

I had a bad feeling about today. Something wasn't sitting right. I was in my suit wait for mum to get back so we could leave for Middleton Memorial. I suppoose to be there 20 mins ago to help set up. Her mum is in a wheelchair and her father died 3 years ago. Arabella and Kane will there to help her, hopefully. Arabella will be crying her eyes out today. I just hope I can keep it in. I also heard that Jessie might be coming. Ugh! She's too perky for me.

"Leo! Time to go," mum interrupted my thoughts.

"Coming," I called back. We drove in silence to the Memorial, the sky was grey. I was grey. My best friend in the whole wide world just left, no good bye nothing. I haven't been able to look at my phone since she left. It has a photo of us together at the Ferris wheel, she came with me because my date baled on me. We're both smiling but I can't look at it. It makes me cry too much. The car stopped. I looked at mum, she looked like she was going to cry. "It's okay,"

"Yeah, she was just so young." My mum started crying and I held her.

"Don't cry she's okay now. Everything's going to be okay." I said in a soothing tone.

"I'm the one whose suppose to tell you everything's okay,"

"Well I'm not the one crying,"

"True. We better go help set up." We walked to the grave and saw Arabella, Kane, Jessie and her mum talking.

"Hi Kane. Hi Arabella." I called out as I walked over.

"It's fine don't acknowledge me," Jessie said.

"I wasn't going to." I said sitting down. The 2 mums wondered off as they started talking. "Why are you even here?"

"You ever thought I might actually miss her! No of course you didn't!" She stood up and walked towards me. "I have known my whole life! I was there and you weren't! I MISS HER! Just as much as you should!" With that she stormed off towards the building on the other side of the cemetery.

"Stupid B-" I started.

"Don't retaliate, it will only make things worst." Arabella said as she put her hand on mine.

"She is just so URGH!" I throw my hands in the air and sat back down. "I regret dating her."

"Me too," Kane said. The service was lovely and peaceful. Jes stood opposite me and glared at me in between crying. I miss her so much it took all I had not to cry.

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