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Jessie's POV

That jerk! He just made me cry again. I miss her too. She was the closet thing I had to a friend. A real friend. I miss her so much it's all me fault. So many of you will be wondering how Kemberly passed. So here you go...

Flash Back

"Jesssssieeeee wait up!" she was drunk when she approached me. She put her arm around me as she spoke. "Can wwweee do somethinnnnnnnggggggg funn?"

"I'm not in the mood Kem," I said pulling her arm off me.

"Oooohhhh! Just onccce! PLEASEEEEE!" She whinned.

"Okay we'll play truth or dare,"

"YAY!" She hugged me as I tried to walk over to the bridge.

"You have to jump into the water below,"

"Hey! I'm not that drunk! I ainn'tt jumping off thattt!"

"Well I'm leaving!" I crossed the bridge and walked home. The next day at school so many rumers were spread about how Kem fell off the bridge and thats why she wasn't at school today. So I went to talk to her that afternoon. "Hi Kem. How are you?" I said when her mum lead me to her room. The lights were off and she was under her covers. "KEM!"

"What is it Jes?" She mumble.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. People were calling you all sorts of names today at school."

"I'm fine! Just leave," she pointed to the door. I then pulled the covers off her. "HEY!" she said trying to grab the covers back.

"No! Get up it's 4:30pm!"

"So what I missed school. Big Deal!" She said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Well everyone said you did end up jumping over the bridge and you landed in the hospital." I said. I must of sounded angry.

"Chill I didn't die. The last thing I remember is you daring me and I saying no, so."

"Oh you didn't get hurt."

"No. I just feel sick!" she ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toliet. Harper (her mum) came in.

"Baby! Are you okay?" she said from her wheelchair.

"I'm fine I think I just-" she threw up again. "I just drank too much," Then my dad called me.

"Hey Dad."

"Hi Sweetie, I think you should come home,"

"Dad what is it?"

"I can't find Dee Dee," Dee Dee is my kitten.

"I'll be home as soon as I help clean up Kemberly,"

"Okay sweetie see you soon," I hung up and went to grab some paper towels. As I came back I heard Harper and Kem arguing.

"Mum I didn't mean too!"

"I told you no more parties for 6 weeks! But what do you do pled and beg til I cave in! THAT'S IT NO MORE PARTIES FOR YOU!"

"But Mum I didn't know it happened!"

"NO EXCUSES!" She stormed off into the hallway and passed me but I hid.

"Kem. Are you okay?" I held out my arms.

"I..I..don't know!" she hugged me tight and cried all over me.

"What happened?"

"I...I'm...um...I'm pregnant!" She cried even harded into my shoulder.

"Why don't you go and get cleaned up? And I'll get you some clean clothes."

"Okay," she said as I left the room. I quickly texted my dad. Hey Dad I might be a little longer than expected. Some problems over here. I'll be home for dinner. I grabbed a jumper and track pants for her. When she got out of the shower I could hear crying.

"Kem. Can I come in?"

"Not yet,"

"Okay tell me when," I sat down on her bed and pulled out my phone. My dad replied Ok see you soon :)

"You can come in," she called.

"Do you know who the father is?"

"I think it was Kane. I can't remember that well."

"Oh, have you told him?"

"Not yet,"

"Look I have to go but tell me if anything happens,"

End Flash Back

I still can't believe she's gone. So many things happened leading up to her death that I could of helped her through. But the next week...

Flash Back

"He won't talk to me any more," she cried into my shoulder. As we sat on her bed.

"He's a jerk," I replied.

"Yeah but I miss him," she cried harder.

"You're going to be okay," she cried some more.

"My life sucks. I shouldn't be living!" She shouted and punched her wall. Kemberly is so strong it's scary.

"No you belong here just as much as I do!" I grabbed her hands and held them.

"I know this is going to sound silly but can we...can we pray?"

"Of course," we prayed in silence before she spoke.

"Dear God this is a hard time for me and my friend can you please help it be easier. Amen."

"Amen," we finished before I spoke again. "My dad wants me home soon,"

"Why? Ohh! Go Go you need to be with him." It's been a 2 years since my mum passed and we are having a special dinner tonight.

"Bye Kem,"

"Bye Jes,"

Later that night I got a text from Kemberly Meet me at the bridge. After dinner I went straight to the bridge. I predicted the worst. I was too late. She jumped. She jumped just as I ran onto the bridge. I heard the splash. I read her suicide note first. I cried first. I missed her first. And he just assumes I'm a stuck up Daddy's girl. I miss her. Her note was painful to read.
I was Kemberly Julia Adams. I was 18. I was pregnant. I had a boyfriend. I had friends. I had a best friend. She dared me to jump. I know she was joking. But I can't take it anymore. Over the passed 3 weeks my mum and boyfriend ignored me but my best friend was there. All my other friends called me names behind my back. I thought it would be easier to just go away, for good.
Have fun without me! :)

I cried for three days straight but no one cared. I had to see the school nurse twice and the counsellor four times. I miss her.

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