..when your close..

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I can feel your heart beat..when your close.. *werewolf*

I sighed heavily as Mr.Kendrick carried on his what-seemed-like-hours conversation about World War I. He told us this all before, so I don't see the point of paying attention in this class. We were just reading over everything coming up for the test on Tuesday. One more hour and I'll be free, that is until Monday. Next week's filled of exams and then we're free for the summer. Three months of non-stop sun. Three months of freedom. Three months free of drama.

I changed my gaze from the spot I had seemed to day dream a lot in and looked out the window, seeing the birds flying by. Their wings flapping, hitting against the wind, flying by so fast, that it would be gone in the blink of an eye. I'd love to be a bird. They look so...free. They don't get judged. They don't live in a world where they're constantly brought down by the hurt and agony this whole world comes with. They don't get abandoned by their mother, get left by their father and get hated on by their sister. They're free! They can do what ever the hell they want! Unlike me.. I'm not free. I get judged. I live in a world where I'm constantly brought down by the hurt and agony this whole world comes with. I am abandoned by my mother. My father left. My sister hates me. I'm not a bird. I'm not free. I'm just same old crappy me. Tears, threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Your not crappy, your... beautiful." I jumped slightly as his perfect voice flooded through my mind. They're all my ears heard. It drowned out Mr.Kendricks annoying, old snappy voice. It was like his voice was on replay on in my...mind. Ugh, what's happening? My stomach lurched as I groaned silently in pain, not wanting to cause any attention. I broke into sweats as I felt my temperature grow. The light was too much to bare, so I shut my eyes tightly, making the headache I was now having ease down a bit. 

I heard a soft growl before a chair screeched against the tiled floors, causing all eyes to fall on his perfect caramel brown eyes. They weren't caramel. They had turned a dark shade of brown and some-what looked similar to mine. As all eyes were on him, his eyes were only focused on me. 

"Samantha, you don't look so good" My stomach turned and the pain that was once there was replaced with loving butterflies. I blushed as he said my name. Something I don't do a lot.

"Yea, thanks Justin. Yea Samantha you don't look too good. Mr.Bieber why don't you take her out for some air. Come back in when she's okay." Mr.Kendrick was making sense for once. I nodded my head slowly making sure, it wouldn't hurt my throbbing head anymore then it already was. I silently stood up making sure not to cause anymore disturbance then I already was and quickly gathered my things. At a blink of an eye, his familiar black supra's were right beside my desk, as he helped me gather up my things. I quietly, but slowly made my way out towards the hallway as Justin trailed behind me, closely. I groaned as the sun hit my eyes, causing me to shut them tight again, which lead me into thumping peacefully into a wall. Lovely. -note my sarcasm- -.-

I let the tears stream down my cheeks as I lay my back against the wall while I slid down it. I hugged my knees to my chest and cried silently. I'm not a bird, I'm not free, I'm just crappy me. I replayed in my head over and over again. 

"Your not crappy" I heard a mumbled, beautiful voice say from beside me. I cocked an eyebrow as I sat up, jumping as I saw how close we were.

"What? W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered. Even though I'm with the guy I would die to have a conversation with, I was in no condition to be talking. I clutched my stomach in pain as I found a sudden urge to growl. I held it back, careful not to scare him off. 

I looked up from my knees to see him watching me closely. Like he knew every move I was gonna make. Like he wanted to protect me. 

I sighed sitting up, waiting for him to answer but got no response so I stood up, grabbing my bag as I did so and made my way down the hallway. The pain had shifted so my headache was gone and the pain in my stomach was sub siding. I smiled as the wind blew back my hair making me feel like a bird. Young and free. This is how I like to be.

"Look, Uh-Christian asked me to ask you if you want to go with them to the movies tonight?" I heard him ask from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, turning around causing Justin to stumble into me. I stepped back in shock as certain parts where he had touched me, tingled. I hung my head low as my eyes burned and my heart began beating rapidly. I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut trying to get the burning feeling away. I decided to take a quick glance at Justin to see if he was weirded out yet but he was just staring at me with his loving eyes. The glance I wanted to take turned into a gaze and that gaze turned into a stare. It was like his eyes were pulling me in. The dark shade of caramel that were usually there was replaced with a light shade of caramel that was never there before. His eyes glistened at the light from the sun that shone in through the over-head window. I felt myself moving forwards but stopped myself when I was a few inches away. I composed myself and took a step backwards. 

"S-say that again" My mind went blank. All I could think about was his eyes. They change. They're beautiful each way, except the dark ones, they scare me.. they're almost like mine when I'm angry. 

"Movies? Me,you, Christian and Mandy? Y-y-you in?" He stuttered, wide eyed. 

"Yea, I'll um.. see you guys then" I replied smiling slightly thinking back to Mr.Kendricks class. When I was sick. How did Justin know? He was behind me, how did he know? I shook my head and began my way back to class. That was interesting..

"You have no idea.. " I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard his beautiful voice again. I turned around wide eyed, but he was no where to be seen. I was hearing things, things that needed to stop. 

"But what if I don't want them to stop?"  I shook my head a s I began my way back to class.



How was it? Good? Crap? Bad? Ick?

I knowww... crappy ending, right?;D

Anywhooooo lemme know what you think!




I can feel your heart beat.. (Justin Bieber) *werewolf*Where stories live. Discover now