Chapter 5

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"I have to use my head on this one!"

On our way to Africa!
Do do do!
We're all gonna die!

Did they have much of a plan?
I didn't know.
They just dragged me along.
Can't trust me to stay back.. I might do something! Oooo

Plus, they thought I could get Wanda and Pietro off of Ultron's side if I was there..
Yeah, like that's how it works...

I wonder if they're worried about me.
I hope they are.
I miss them after all but what they're doing with Ultron? It's wrong.
Ultron is bat-shit crazy.
I wouldn't side with someone who was mentally unstable but... he did have some points to his flawed logic...
Yet, I don't think I could side with that robot.


Took a few hours to get to Wakanda. I mean- it's across the ocean! It's going to take awhile.

So, We arrive right outside a ship yard. Must be where this man makes all his vibranium sales.
The avengers filed off and I slowly trailed behind. I flip open my book and start to follow them at a normal pace.
That's when Captain 'I'm going to ruin your fun' stops me:
"We need you to stay here."


Stay here? STAY HERE? I was born for this! I was born to actually use my powers...

"We don't want you to do anything with Ultron."

"Nice of you to care. But, suddenly I can't hear you and I'm going to go in!"
I was firm with my decision.
I was going in no matter what they told me.
I can fight if needed. I can take care of myself.

I knew I could help them easily. I just had to speed read something and I could have whatever power needed. On top of that, I already had some powers in my head!
Call me OP, but one day I will do great things with them!

I trail behind the avengers as they made their way into the building.
I rushed away to hide from above and to watch what was happening below.
Wanda and Pietro stood next to Ultron as he yelled and screamed Klaue for comparing him to Stark.
Ultron even cut off his fucking arm!
What the fuck?
Yeah, Stark is a terrible person to be compared to but like... calm down. Take a chill pill. You get called things you don't like all the time and you have to get used to it.

"Stark is sickness!"

"Ahh, junior! You're going to make your old man cry."
Tony flew down from the roof in his full Iron Man get up. Steve and Thor walked from the shadows to join him.

"If I have to."

Thor spoke up, "We don't have to break anything."

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron remarked

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