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(Unknown POV)

  I scowled at the figure as it entered it's vehicle and drove away after making a quick Google Search I'd been watching his and his bitches every move for the past year and now was the time to strike.

  I made a call boys the plans a go the bastard is out which leaves the bitch home alone playing house wife I ended the call smiling for the first time since I lost everything my baby boy my little Taggert Jr my little TJ.

  Mr. Tucker your cabs here sir I smiled and left my hotel room to catch my cab I had a date with destiny and I wasn't going to miss it for the world.

(Cody's POV)

  I had just finished cleaning up and making a romantic dinner for me and my boyfriend when there was a loud crash at the door holy shit Zack was right someone's trying to break in who knew that paranoia was a good thing.

   crash!  Shit there going to break the door down I need to call Zack I ran in our room and locked the door then ran in the closet hiding in the corner and called my boyfriend.

He picked up on the first ring.

"What's wrong angel you never call me at work"

Zack someone is trying to break in the house there trying to break the door down and I don't think it will hold I'm in our room with the door locked hiding in the closet I'm scared.

"Fuck Cody stay where you are call 911 I'll be there as soon as I can stay hidden don't make any sudden noises"

The call went dead so I dialed 911.

"Hello 911 operator what she's to be the problem"

Um yes my name is Cody Miller I live in an apartment complex in Cumberland County I'm 2B and there's someone trying to break in.

"Okay sir we have pinpointed your location a police vehicle is in your range just stay put and keep the line open okay"?


I sat in my closet in silence just listening BAM! CRASH! SLAM! I heard the splintering of wood then the sound of footsteps in the house "Search everywhere find him" a voice bellowed there looking for me I whispered down my cell they know I'm here.

I heard footsteps approach my door and the knob rattle "Boss this one's locked he's in here" "Well get it open then shouted the voice from before "
CRASH! It didn't take much before my bedroom door was just as bad off as my front door I was shaking with fear who knew what they'd do when they found me when no longer a matter of if but when.

  I heard footfalls outside of the closet then it opened I burst out of it slamming the big burly guy against the wall knocking him backwards and I made a break for it I was halfway to the door when Crack!  Felt the blow to my head as much as heard it the last thought going through my head before I blacked out was my beautiful boyfriend and what he would do without me.

(Zack's POV)

I went straight to work after making my purchase at the jewelry store and had just started getting into the groove of my shift when my phone rang I picked up on the first ring it was Cody must be important he never calls during work.

  What's wrong angel you never call me at work

"Zack someone is trying to break in the house there trying to break the door down and I don't think it will hold I'm in our room with the door locked hiding in the closet I'm scared"

Fuck Cody stay where you are call 911 I'll be there as soon as I can stay hidden don't make any sudden noises

  I hung up so he could call the police and immediately left work running as quickly as I could to my car I jumped in and flew to our apartment the cops weren't here yet shit my angel better be okay and hidden in that house or there will be hell to pay.

  I walked to the door to find it smashed open panic filled me at how quiet it was I walked into the dining room to see a romantic dinner of my favorite foods set out on the table I choked back a sob Cody my angel he's perfect and he better still be here.

  I walked to our room and saw the door kicked in No no no no!

The closest door was wide open and it was obvious there was a struggle and I looked at a blood stained spot on the ground Oh My God I'm gonna be sick!

No no no no not him not Cody not my angel I screamed he was stolen from me my love, my light, my world no Zack you'll get him back I told myself I'd never give up because without him there is no me.

  My phone rang I pulled it out to see Cody's ID

Cody Oh thank God where are you?

I heard dry laughter on the other line and stiffened

Who is this? Where's Cody? Let me speak with him

" Explain to me why I should let you speak to him Mr. Big shot hitman you didn't let me speak to my son before you murdered him in his hospital bed"

Who are you I growled out

"You don't know"? "I'm wounded my son was after all your most recent kill"


" Taggert Tucker Senior" you took my little junior so I took your bitch fair is fair".

I growled at the slur he threw at my angel

Tucker let him go it's me you want

He chuckled

"I agree so if you ever want to see you boy toy alive again meet me in the ally off Boonie Doone come alone and unarmed or I kill him in front of you"

The line went dead and I scowled time to make some calls.

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