Big Plans & Gold Bands Pt1

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(Cody's POV)

It's dark I'm dead!....Wait my head hurts so I can't be dead OMG I'm blind!.... I lift my hand the my eyes to feel the back of my eye lids oh ha ha my eyes are closed duh.

I open my eyes and blink at the harsh light filling the space I saw two hulking surly looking guards and what looks like Mr. Mafia or something standing close by.

Ooh if ugly and uglier had children it'd be you two. Geezer you didn't just hit the branches falling out the ugly tree you climbed back up and went again.

The two beefy guards snarled showing off rotted teeth with silver and gold crowns well it looks like hygiene wasn't at the top of your to-do-list like ever.

"That's enough" ooh Mr. Mafia has spoken "You'd think the hitman would have tired out that pretty little mouth of yours" ooh jokes on my sex life nice I happen to have plenty of stamina to keep up with my gorgeous boyfriend but you seem a little quiet your lackeys tire you out last night?

He snarled "I should have just killed you when I broke into your apartment but no I needed bait how does the hitman put up with you" my boyfriend was gifted with patience and an amazing body not like any of you guys would know what that is anywhore Zack to smart to fall for your trap.

"That bastard boyfriend of yours killed my son in his hospital bed and then fell for a man he kidnapped I can just feel the intelligence oozing off of his actions".

Ahh so that's what this is about T.J you must be Taggert next of kin Taggert growled curling a fist and hitting me in the jaw hard I spit blood at his shoes is that the best you got I chuckled.

I was scared to death but I loved Zack so I'd be strong for him because I knew he was coming for me and leave it to my boyfriend to have a master plan.

Taggert just met his worst nightmare in the form of a male nurse and his big bad ex hitman boyfriend I just hope he doesn't do something he'll end up regretting to save me Zack baby wherever you are play this smart and be safe.

(Taggert's POV)

Things were falling perfectly into place I gagged that kid so he'd shut up and the hitman should be coming for his bitch any minute now the snarky little asshole was perfect for that bastard the pair of sick faggots were both scum.

I checked the time any minute now and I swear if he's late I'll start sending him the bitch in pieces starting with his tongue to shut up that smart mouth of his.

Bam! The slamming of the warehouse door sounded he walked in alone perfect this would be over quickly he looked at his bitch and scowled at the bruise I left on his jaw but said nothing I smirked having my men remove the kids gag and bindings.

The boy looked at the hitman and frowned "Zack baby you shouldn't have come I'm not worth it you finally have a life baby go live it without me" he said choking back a sob the hitman looked up tears in his eyes at his bitch boyfriend "Cody my life is nothing without you in it you are my life".

I gagged okay enough I motioned for my men to let the kid go and grab the hitman "Go Cody" the hitman said and the boy turned with tears in his eyes once my men had the hitman secure I pulled my pistol time to end this I watched as the hitman's eyes filled with fear as I pointed my gun at the kids retreating back then the lights went out.

(Zack's POV)

I watched in horror as a gun was pulled on the love of my life and just when I was ready to scream the lights went out here comes the calvary.

After the phone call with Taggert I made some calls to some other hitmen I knew that owed me favors one of them Neil and was retired and now worked with the FBI and he agreed to help apparently Taggert was on the FBI's watch list they've been after him for years so it was perfect.

He'd cut out the lights soon after I walked in and armed FBI men with night vision would get Cody and myself to safety then Taggert's ass to a maximum security prison but now as I sat in the dark I was scared not for me but for Cody God if we make it out alive I'm taking him as far away from here as possible.

Boom I heard the crack of a gun followed by a thud I froze in panic please God don't let that be my angel I would gladly give my life in his place then the lights were on.

Taggert was surrounded and so was one of his goons the other lie in a pool of blood unmoving and my Cody was safe curled up on the floor with FBI personal all around relived I ran to my boyfriend and kissed him then picking him up bridal style I carried him out of the warehouse and to my car I'm getting my angel out of here.

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