Shopping And Visits?

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Gregory nods and Rudolph takes off into the sky.

And now we continue...

Gregory smiled and pulled me closer.
"Are you comfortable, my lady..?"
I giggled and nodded my head slightly,
"Mmhm, yes very!"
I looked around and noticed,
"Hey, where's your sister..?"
Gregory hummed and looked around at the ground below us.
"She most likely left to see my family, you can meet them tomorrow if you like."
I nodded nervously, wondering if his family would actually like me. The way his father and sister acted, I didn't think they would at all.
"Don't worry, sweet little lamb..."
I remembered, that's what he said in my dream.
'I have to remember to talk to him about that...'
I thought, I then responded to his sweet words by hugging him tighter and saying,
"Okay I guess I'll meet them... But you have to be there!"
He chuckled and nodded,
"Of course,"
I noted we were approaching my family's castle. I suddenly felt sad, I didn't want to leave. I just met a boy my age on the first day here. We landed on my tower like roof. (the one that is in the picture it's the tower) I turned to look at the sixteen year old,
"Will I ever see you again..?"
Immediately after I spoke, Gregory hugged me tightly.
"Of course you will, whenever you want my to come... Just whistle and I'll be right there at your side."
I smiled, overjoyed as he pulled away. He took my hand and floated down to my window. It was cold and drafty in my room from the freezing cold of night. I shivered softly as he helped me through the window and I silently stepped to the floor.
"Are you sure I'll see you again??"
I questioned nervously, he chuckled and out his cold hand against my cheek as I blushed against his touch.
"I promise you'll see me again,"
He hugged me close and a smiled into his shoulder. After a moment, he pulled away and let go of my hand.
"I'll see you soon..."
And with that, he fell out of my window. I quickly looked out my window and he waved, I waved back and he shot into the dark cold night.
I closed the window, sighed sadly and walked to my bed, sat down and slowly took of my combat boots. Then, changed into my night clothes. I laid down in my bed and snuggled into it after switching my lamp out.

'Good Night, Vampire...'

The Next Morning...

My eyes opened slowly, to see the window across my room, closed.
"What a crazy dream..."
My voice cracked as I whispered, the vampire boys, the sister vampire who chased me, the mean father, the loving mother.
I laid in bed just thinking about the cemetery, the vampire family, the flying.
Did it actually happen..?
'That's crazy, there's no way...'
I thought sadly, in a way I wish it had.
'Oh well... Vampires aren't real I suppose... Maybe somewhere else...'
I smiled slightly as I pushed my blankets off and climbed across my bed to my trunk to get my Bram Stoker's Dracula book. I hummed as I read the juicy book.

Short Time Skip...

I jumped as three loud bangs on my door echoed around my room. I groaned and got up. I stumbled across the room to my big wooden door and opened it to reveal the two smiling, beaming faces of Tony and Cooper. I glared down at them and crossed my arms.
"This better be important."
I stated coldly, the two mischievous little boys bolted into my room and my eyes widened.
"H-hey! What are you doing?!"
I demanded, the two where going through my room. Coop was raiding my closet and Tony was digging around under my bed.
"You said we only had to knock and we did!"
Cooper yelped happily, still rummaging around my closet.
Tony agreed cheerfully, as he started to nose around my trunk. I stormed over to the blonde boy and pulled him away from my trunk.
"What on earth are you doing?! Don't mess with my things!"
I commanded, Cooper ran to my trunk and pulled out the Vampire info book, 'Vamptor'. He turned and smirked and like at me, holding it with a small hand.
"Learning your boyfriend, huh?"
I scowled and gave him the, 'what the hell do you mean' face.
"Okay, first. It's 'Learning ABOUT your boyfriend.' And second. What do you even mean, Coop??"
They both looked at me oddly.
"You don't remember?"
Tony asked, I looked at him.
"Remember what, Tony?"
Coop ran up and yanked my hand, I glared down at him.
'I'm too tired for this...'
I thought, annoyed at the two boys.
"The boy! The boy! Gregory!"
My eyes widened as my brother spoke. Then the memories came flooding into my mind.

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