Vampires In Scotland?!

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A big thank you to
And my parents for supporting me and making me feel so good about writing this!! You guys are awesome!!
Tony Thompson
Bob Thompson
Dottie Thompson
They are the neighbors hailing from California!

"Bree, dad! Tony wants us to sleep over at his place or visa versa!"
I said running into the castle,
"Woah, woah tiger!"
My dad grabbed my shoulder, pulling me close next to him holding the back of my neck. I squirmed a little and looked at the woman with blonde hair and the man with grayish brown hair in front of me.
"This is Dottie and Bob Thompson, Tony's parents."
I smiled and tried to remember what I was supposed to say.
"Uhm, h-hello... I'm Momo, I'm fourteen and I babysit."
I said, bowing my head slightly causing them to chuckle.
"Randy your daughter is a very well mannered young lady!"
Dottie replied cheerfully, as Bob nodded.
"Of course!"
Dottie said excitedly, making me wonder.
"But you shouldn't spend your first night out of your home! If it's okay with your dad and mom, we'll take Tony home to get his things and we'll bring him back in about two hours!"
Bob finished for her, it seemed more of wanting desperately to have there son here.
I then remembered what I needed to do.
"Oh, father, Bree, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson I must go find something.,"
I said then turned to the Thompson's.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, I hope to see your son later this evening."
I bowed my head and run off,
'I need to go to the cellar!'
I thought as a ran to where I guessed the cellar was.

~In The Cellar~

I looked through the old books, they were tattered and falling apart. I had already found an old holy bible that seemed to be written in the eighth century.
"Oh my gosh..."
I whispered astonished by the harshly yellowed pages.
"This was likely made and used in the years that King Egbert in the late eighth century..."
A huff of a giggle escaped my chapped lips as I held the old artifact in my small pale hands. I had studied English history. It was my favorite subject.
"Wow.... What if one of the first Kings of England held this..... Or even owned it....."
I muttered, then I saw a very old clay mug, Bram Stoker's Dracula from 1897
Getting closer....
"Oh my gosh!!"
I whispered loudly,
"These were all destroyed!! Save a very few..."
I smiled and after going through other maps and books.... I found it....
A book on vampires....
It was made in fifteenth century it was filled with facts, encounters, and records.
"This will be useful..."
I whispered as I grabbed the vampire book, Bram Stoker's Dracula, the ancient holy bible, and a bunch of pictures I found of families, ancient drawings and portraits of people then hurried up to my room with them. I had a big trunk at the end of my bed. I gently dropped them in there and they fit perfectly. I smiled then shut and locked it.
I heard vaguely heard the front door open and some muffled voices. I smirked and ran down stairs. It took longer due to it being a castle. I got down there and hugged Tony.
"Hey buddy!!"
He hugged back and whispered in my ear,
"Rudolph was there, he said he'll pick us up late so stay awake!"
I smiled over excitedly and nodded....
This seems promising.....

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