7.| Laito x Dying! Reader | Moment of Silence |Oneshot

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(A/n: Since nobody responded on whether they wanted a sad or happy Laito x Reader, I have a choice. And my choice is sad.=D)

Requested by~ Mewmew1224

**Y/n's POV**

I smiled as I walked over to Laito's room. Today was our one year anniversary and I couldn't wait to give him his present.

I opened the door to find a sleeping Laito snuggled up in his bed. I smiled at his adorableness. I walked over to his bed, placed the gift box on his dresser, and laid down beside him.

I could remember the times that Laito promised to change for my benefit...


"Little Bitch?" He smiled as he tipped his fedora in his usual manner. "Do you find me pleasureable to be in accompany with?"

I sighed. "Yes and no. Yes because I love you and want you to be with me at all times and no because every girl we see always walks up to you and batts her eyelashes.

"Awww.. you're jealous?"

"Awww.. Start batting your eyelashes ,Laito, cause it's 'annoying'. Not something to be envious about."

"Oooh, envy. Isn't that one of the seven sins , Little Bitch?"

"Yes..." I sighed, once again, in annoyance as Laito kept shaking at me to answer his questions. Don't get me wrong, Laito is truly pleasureable to have around, but not when he's acting like my child.

"Then... I would be Sloth."

I raised an eyebrow, "Sloth?"

"Yeah, you know, Little Bitch, the sin that means you're too cling and whatnot =D!"

I blushed, "I see..."

/Flashback End/

I stared at his pale complextion. He was absolutely perfect.

I carassed his cheek with my thumb, slightly waking him up. "L-little bitch?"


There was something edgy about his tone, but I didn't mind it. Before I knew it, Laito had closed his eyes. I smiled at his face ,once again. "I love you ,Laito." I whispered. Laito's face scrunched up the second I said those words. I regretted saying his name ,considering his mother told him the same thing and look where she is now. He immediately raised his arms and wrapped them around my neck. "L-Laito?" I choked out as his grip tightened. I tried waking him up by slapping him with my now numb hands, but they were of use to no avail. I tried to pry his hands off my neck, but he just tightened his grip. "L-LAITO!" "LAI---"!

**3rd person POV**

Laito's eyes shot up as he heard his lover screaming. "Yes, Littl---" He froze. "Y/n?" He immediately pulled his hands away as he sat up and laid her head on his lap. He shook her. "Mfuumfuu, You really are deep sleeper. Neh?" He nuzzled Y/n's face with his thumb. He then noticed a box that was carefully wrapped, placed on top of his dresser. Laito set Y/n down on the bed and got up to look at the box.

Happy Aniversary Laito!

Dear Fedora-Chan,

Happy one year anniversary! As soon as you wake up we can open this together! It'll be fun! =3! These past months have been the best in my life and I really do appreciate your sacrefices. I love you ,forever, Laito-Kun!

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Bitch-Chan

He smiled as he happily skipped over to Y/n. Laito poked her and shook her but she didn't wake up. He felt a cold rush of air come from the window and went to close it....

"O_O K-Kanato?"Laito jumped a little as his older brother looked at him with widened, purple eyes. Kanato was sitting on the balcony with his signiture teddy bear. "What are you doing here? Neh, did you come for some tips?" He laughed as Kanato shook his head. "No. Teddy and I were just wondering if we could make that mortal into a doll." Laito's eyes squinted, "Why do you ask that? More importantly... why are you asking me?" Kanato covered his eyes with his bangs, smiled, and pulled Teddy closer. "Because I don't think you want the corpse of y/n. Say, Teddy, do you think Laito knows yet? Ahahaha, yes, im sure, Teddy." Laito felt his chest dip into the depths of hell. "Bitch-chan?" He quickly turned around ,leaving Kanato insanely laughing at what Teddy just said. " Y-Y/n?" He shook he harshly ,but she just responded with a moment of silence. "Y-Y/N?!?" Laiti was now touching her face and shaking her with all his might. He took her wrist and bit into it...

No pulse.

"Y/N!" He layed down next to her and buried his face in he hair. "Kanato?" The purple-haired bipolar appeared in his room ,still clutching onto Teddy. "Is that a yes?" Laito didn't answer as his eyes became dull, "H-how did this happen?" That was it. That was when Kanato laughed his hardest. "Say, Teddy, Laito is very callous." He looked at his younger brother ,who's signiture fedora was on the floor. "Teddy and I say... you choked her." Laito quickky took offense to that, "I choked her?" He glared at his brother. "Yes, the scene was ingraved into Teddy's memory. Such a shame that you couldn't hear her scream. It was so... desperate. Teddy and I got front row seats. " Laito wanted to punch his brother in the face. Laito cried into y/n's chest ,which used to have a comforting pulse, but now has an eternal silence. "Teddy and I didn't want her anyway..." Kanato smiled as he teleported away to admir his collection of dolls. Whilealist, Laito was crying over the death of his lover.

**Y/n's POV**

I cried as I watched Laito crying over my body. I flew closer to him, my wings fluttering in the air. It killed me again to watch Laito getting up and walking over to the box I gave him as a present. "Little-Bitch.... How can I open this when you're not here with me?" A tear crawled down his cheek and instantly hit the letter I wrote him. His ears perked up as he took the letter and looked at where the tear hit.

Your Bitch-chan

The tear hit the exact words as Laito struggled to keep the rest of his tears in. He took the box, went to his bed, and laid down next to my corpse, while huging the box. I flew closer to my body and laid on top of it. Laito cried as he fell asleep to his depressing thoughts. I carassed his cheek for the last time. I smiled as he snuggled against my invisible touch. For the last time I smiled and quickly flew towards the letter. I let a tear of emotions roll down my cheek as it hit the specific words...

I love you ,forever, Laito-Kun!

{Update End}

Next ~ Yandere! Kanato x Reader {For my new-found friend _cocoa_pie_@}

~ Azusa

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