10.|Kou x Idol! Reader|Sad Song |Song-Shot!

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(A/n: I'll make some for Semi- SongFics!, soon.

Listen to the media later)

**Y/n's POV**

I waved at my friend, Author-chan (Let's say my name is Charisma), as she dragged Azusa to the front row seats I was currently sitting at. This was another one of our attempts to find me a boyfriend...

  "Are you okay? ^_^" I jumped from shock as Charisma patted my back. Did she teleport or what?, "shhh, it's normal to space out. Especially if you're thinking about a cute boy. Speaking of which, have you found any yet?" I narrowed my eyes at my friend ,as Azusa slowly popped up behind her with squinted eyes, adjusting his fake, black glasses. I immediately stood up, feeling like I was about to throw-up. "N-no. >.> Um.. I'm going to rehearse back stage..." I waved goodbye and then sweatdropped as Azusa tackled Charisma. I sighed, nerd vs nerd attempt number one at a go.

Couples surrounded me everywhere ,as I made my way to the back stage. It was a sickening sight.... Scratch that. SCRATCH THAT VERY HARD. I covered my eyes ,as I saw a certain idol being showered in rose petals and being grabbed at. "*_* Ah-hem *fake coughs* please, refrain from showing bullshit on the stage. My eyes will not tolerate it." Kou just glared at me.

And with that 10 pairs of eyes and eyebrows on fleek were looking my direction. I glared back and raised an eyebrow as Kou's eye flashed red. "And like, why are you looking at like, Kou huh?" One of the girls (who was wearing way to much face powder) aimed at me. "Yeah, do you,like know, who this girl is?" Another girl pointed at the white-faced panda standing next to her. "Oh.. I'm sorry. Hey ,girl. Where you from? China? White-faced make-up got you looking albina." I smiled as Kou kept boring his eyes into mine. I ignored him and waved goodbye ,as panda and her squad shrieked like they were insulted. (A/n~ If you're nickname is Panda or you use too much white powder, please do not take offense. At least you don't talk bullshit at Y/n. *hugs*)

   I sighed as I walked to my room ,immediately regretting so, because a couple of ninjas were waiting for me at the back. "Y/n, do you need help rehearsing?" Charisma asked as she took off her mask, helping the now glassesless-faced Azusa remove his own. "You guys do this every time...and everytime.. no." I walked over to my mirror and started singing the music scale (A/n~ If you are like me and can't sing the scale without screaming, or just do not like singing in general, just imagine Kou singing m-neko-chan in the scale. Mmmm-ŅèeeĶøoo-Çhaaaaan.) Charisma slowly clapped behind me as Azusa ate some spicy gucci dish (A/n~ =/ Gucci like Kanato's eye bags... mmm yeah|Okay I'll stop now). "I'm really nervous for this performance." I explained as I looked down. This specific performance was to compare me to Mister K. Mukami over there. I stole a glance at Azusa, feeling bad for him. Yes, I, Y/n, knew that Azusa and Kou are related and alive and well.. considering they're vampires. The performance was going to start in twenty minutes as I was already sweating bullets. Charisma looked at me worriedly as Azusa tugged on her sleeve. "--.-- Can.. we go get... a tomato.. for Yuma? They.. sell really.. nice ones... here." Charisma glared up at him, "says the guy who has a freaking garden in their mansion." Azusa just took that as a yes as he dragged her away. "Goooood luuuck ,Y/n!" I sweatdropped. I sighed looking into the mirror. I grabbed a small picture on the top. I smiled remembering all the memories.

When Kou and I used to be a couple...


I smiled at the blonde vampire ,who was happily eating his pasta.

"Kou... um, you have something on your cheek." I wiped some pasta sauce off his cheek and then pulled my hand away, slighty shocked that it was so cold. "Y-your cheek... it's so cold." He finished the last of my pasta ,as I laughed. "I'll heat them up." Kou just raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry, what? I was too focused on my pasta." I glared at him and carassed his cheek. It immediately turned pink. "Uh-uh." Kou blushed and looked at me, confused on the current situation. "It was ,so cold. I helped you warm it up." I smiled at him and he looked at me with widened eyes, then smiled. "M-neko-chan, If you wanted to be my servant, you could have just asked! =3" Kou smiled as he leaned his cheek over to my mouth. "Lick your master clean my little kitty!" I turned away from him and growled. "I'm just kidding m-neko-chan!" Kou pouted as his red eye flashed at me. "Hmph."

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