23.|Kou x Reader | Android Box| Oneshot

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{Original Idea is from Junko Ike from Mizutama Honey Boy. All credit of this oneshot goes to her}

A/n: The droids in this oneshot look exactly like anime humans in general.


~Android Box~

In recent years, the world's technology has rapidly advanced, and mechanization has made it's way into all aspects of life. Among them, androids have become a part of society, and employing them is common. 80% of the market share for androids in the country is held by L/n inc. Lately, they've also become common in homes, and people are looking forward to further developments.

*Y/n's POV*

I ran towards the exit of my father's superior building. With guard droids trailing behind, I took a turn left at the next corner, hoping to loose sight of them. A window was in my view, it was convenient, suggesting that I hop out the window and escape the building. Ready to jump, I hesitated for a mere moment, seeing as a male was standing on the area I intended to land on. The male looked up at me, his eyes widening at the sight of my form right above the window pane. My mind raced, the male's expression further more advanced into a surprising state.

"Are you a visitor here? I guess I surprised you, Sir."

He didn't answer. Instead, his eyes wandered around my figure, like he was trying to examine me.

"You're.. L/n Y/n," he said, pointing his pointer finger up in the air as to make a statement," the sole daughter of President L/n."

It was indeed my turn to look at him in awe. Of course, considering my father was the president of the stock market on androids, I would be well-known, but this male didn't even say a single, 'What are you doing?' before he spoke my name.

"Did you find Y/n?!"

I closed my eyes, realizing that the guards were already catching up to me. I couldn't take the risk of being caught by father's droids ,when I as trying to runaway. I didn't want to see him at all, let alone get a scolding from him. I quickly threw my purse at the male, immediately jumping from the window as I did so. There were broken androids underneath me, but I managed to land on top of them, nearly breaking their exoskeletons.

"Haa.. I lost them."

The male looked at the androids below me, " that's pretty harsh, Y/n-chan."

Looking at him, I stood up and scoffed ,"They're just broken down trash. I hate these things."

Through ages, robot research was called a dream and romantic, and once they were made, they flourished considerably. So nowadays, they aren't as unusual at all, and are simply over-produced.

Disposable items.

Looking back at the male, he had a beat-down look on his face ,now, his eyes wandering around the floor.

"What's with that look..? Ahh, are you a researcher?" Hopefully my prediction was correct, even so, I said they were trash, thus hurting his feelings, " Sorry."

Machine nerds are such a pain.

He just looked up in a serious manner, "No. I'm..."

Before he could reply, I saw a quick flash behind him. Inspecting closely, I stiffened, seeing a guard droid right behind him. The guard droid pulled a gun out, aiming for the male's face. His voice ringed in my ears, as he spoke into his build-in-mic, alerting all other droids in the area.

"We've found, Y/n-sama. Her companion isn't listed in any personal data. I'll eliminate him as a dangerous element."

I reached towards the droid to try to stop it from killing the male off. The second I fell forward, I heard a gunshot. Droids were not supposed to take a human life. This couldn't be real. I immediately took a step back, as the male crashed onto the ground pavement. "No way. You just shot him all of a sudden..." I felt myself straining to get away from the droid, as it reached for my hand, resisting the urge to follow it.

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