18.|Yuma x Reader | Ruberbands | One Shot

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*Y/n's POV*

I sighed as I tried to pull a flower out of the dirt. Yuma said that he would be gone for a short while and I wanted to suprise him by plucking all of the weeds from his garden. I've only pulled two so far and the third one doesn't seem to want to spring free from it's patch.

" Oh, Yuma, why do you make it look so easy?"

I screeched as the flower popped from the garden, making me lose my balance and fall into the dust.

"Too, easy."

The dirt on my face didn't stop me from pulling more weeds, though. Standing up, I walked to another flower and pulled on it until I managed to fall on my butt again.

~ Timeskip brought to you by Yuma walking a small Azusa to preschool ~

I stared at the massive pile of flowers before me. To be honest, it looked like a small bouquet of flower assortments you would buy at the store.

I wiped all the sweat off my forehead. I needed to dispose of the weeds before Yuma got home. Grabbing the pile off the ground, I dashed towards the Mukami mansion ,worried that Yuma would be home any second. Time seemed to pass by and Yuma wasn't home ,yet.

"Ugh, these weeds are too pretty to dispose." I smiled as I grabbed a ruberband from my vanity and wrapped it around the weeds.

"Now it really does look like a bouquet."

I stood still as the front door of the mansion opened. Was it Yuma? Sure, he can teleport but he's at least decent enough to use the front door. I gathered the bouquet of weeds and exited my room. Walking to the front door, I saw a man with long, brunette hair combing his bangs with his hands. My mouth dropped. "YUMA?!?" I almost dropped my flowers as the man smiled widely and waved at me. "Oi, Sow!" The man ran to me, considering that I was glued to the living room's floor. I couldn't move... at all. "Sow. HEY! Are you okay?" I looked at the man and snapped out of it. It was Yuma. What was I so afraid of? I smiled and handed him the weeds. "Sorry, I've just never seen you without your man bun before." Yuma rubbed the nape of his neck as his bangs sexily covered his left eye. "Oi, don't think of me differently or anything, I just thought this might impress you, Sow." Yuma looked at the weeds and smiled. "Heh, did you pull these out of the garden?" I nodded and shoved them in his face. "I plucked all the weeds. Hehehe... are you proud of me, Carrot Dick?" Yuma made a forced face and nodded, "Yeah, Sow.. Er, they look really pretty this close but do you mind giving me clean oxygen to breathe? They smell like hell farted on expired sugar cookies and I just ate..." I immediately retracted the weeds from Yuma's face. "Eh... I didn't know weeds smelled this bad." I took a wiff and scrunched up my face. I felt like crying. "THEY'RE WORSE THAN A HUNDRED ONIONS!" Yuma shrugged, "it's just the chemicals I put on the weeds. They're too strong for immortals... even me." Yuma looked away, "I really do appreciate the help, Sow." A feeling of pride and accomplishment spread through my body. "Oh, your welcome, Carrot Dick!" Yuma blushed the second time I said his nickname. "OI! Stop calling me that!" Smiling, I turned around and ran past Yuma to get to the front door. "OI! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" I ran to his garden and hid behind Yuma's small carrot field. Once Yuma caught up to me, he looked at me with glare. "This isn't funny, Sow." Ignoring his remark, I plunged a carrot into my mouth and sucked. "This is the seventeeth time you've done that this week, remove the carrot or be choked by the real one. " I blushed and spit the carrot out. "Glad you're cooperrating with me, Sow."

I stared up at Yuma from behind his carrots. His hair was still long and wavy and his tomato-looking eyes were looking down at me in a fierce manner. Just like fire, Yuma was a pretty hot (Considering he was on fire once). I just kept on staring at him until I felt like something was wrong. I took the weeds out and stood up, approaching Yuma. "There's something wrong with you." Yuma slightly glared at me. "Sow, learn to either learn manners or speak more clearly." I heisitated and looked at him nervously. "There's just something wrong with you..." Yuma looked at me, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity. "And.. what might that be?" I showed him the weeds, ignoring the scent that was murdering my nostrils. "I like you better as a weed." Yuma looked at me like I was crazy now. "Sow.. I- we have to go see Ruki about this.." I took his hand and pulled him closer. He stayed that way, which was my intention, so I pulled the rubberband from the weeds and let the bouquet fall to the ground. "S-sow...?" I combed Yuma's soft, brown hair wirh my fingers and made a Yuma-styled bun. I took the rubberband and snapped it in his hair, stretching it to flex to his hair in a different way. He looked at me ,never releasing eye contact in the first place ,with a confused expression. "Why did you-" "- your now my little weed, Yuma, I plucked you, tied you, and smelled you so you belong to me." Yuma blushed and held the rubberband I put into his hair, "you didn't like my hair released?" I smiled at Yuma. "You look so much better as the real Yuma, with your man-bun and your carrot dick, your an unstoppable combination.

Yuma cocked his head and grinned at me, "you're a really interesting mortal, Sow. I don't mind being yours. But.. Oi! Stop calling me carrot dick!"

I laughed as I ran with a carrot in my hand, licking it every now and then while Yuma chased shortly behind me.

"I love you, Yuma."

Right in the middle of all the dispatched soil where the weeds used to grow, bloomed a orange flower that grew to be very tall.

"I'm glad you love me ,too."

{Update End}

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