19.|Reiji x reader| Art Psychology| Oneshot

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I have a three-day weekend so look forward to some more parts in those upcoming days ~


The story of Reiji trying art ~

*Y/n's POV*

My breath stopped as I knocked on the door two times. The sound of skin clashing on wood wrung in my ears. I heard footsteps drawing nearer to me. Of course, there was the door. Shielding me from the owner of the 'click ,clacks' stepping amongst the solid ground. Filled with emotion, I stared at the door in disbelief. I cringed at the creaking effect, which was possibly a side effect of how many times it's been shoved closed. I watched it open with wide eyes...

"Y/n... what do you need?"

"Reiji.. whenever someone knocks on your door, do you always suspect the trespasser to be me?"

Reiji adjusted his glasses, sighing like I was a nuisance at the moment, "Certainly not, you're just the only one who knocks in this household. Besides from that, your breathing is very noisy."

I glared at the megane, "I wasn't even breathing. If I recall, I was even holding my breath so you wouldn't notice me this time."

"Oh my, I guess I can hear your breathing from a mile away~"

"My bedroom isn't even a mile away..."

"No wonder why I hear snoring and gasps for air every night. I need to take serious action within this matter."


Reiji moved aside and opened the door for me. He looked bothered as he led me to a table, where a pot of tableware was settled. "Please, tell me more." I sneered, knowing that he was deeply sarcastic about the situation. "My breathing isn't what I wanted to talk about... Reiji, let it go." Reiji's face expression didn't change as I continued talking, "I wanted to spend time with you, today. Genuinely." Reiji looked at the floor. His eyes averting from my direction. "Is this so... I'm pleased with your statement, Y/n." "-I wanted to teach you art." Reiji stood up, but I was smarter than that. I tackled him and plastered an Azusa-styled berret and a fake purple mustache that I assumed was the result of Kanato trying to grow out his facial hair.

"I applaude your skills, Y/n." Reiji sighed as he toyed with the fake mustache on his face, "How did you even manage to take the last traces of Kanato's hopes and dreams?" Avoiding the question, I pushed Reiji towards his desk where a piece of paper and a pencil magically appeared. "You always say your good at everything. Now prove it." Reiji sighed as he scribbled a child.. burning on fire. "What the fuck man.." He glared at me, "language. Don't judge, it was the first thing that came to mind." "We're going to have to work on what your mind thinks of first. I don't think I want a gallery of children burning on fire..."

Reiji flipped the paper and started drawing... a woman dying with blood where her heart should be. "For fucks sake, Reiji ;;." Reiji glared at me for the language ,again, and started adding stick arms and legs. Yup.. a stick figure. "This isn't worth Kanato's tears." He crippled the paper into a ball and tried to stuff it down my shirt. "REIJI!!!" "Excuse my manners, Y/n, but that is what I think of art." "YOU THINK MY BOOBS ARE ART?!?" "No... I meant your lack of heart... please stop using inappropriate words..."




". . ."




-and with that, Reiji knew to never open the door again...

The end ~

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