| Chapter 19 |

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Previously on 'Fine'
"Well done Genius" I laugh
Then I hear Lucas putting down the bench with a loud thud.
Me and Sam both look over at him,
Lucas was just standing there, glaring at Sam with his fists clenched looking as if Sam just so ran over his dog.
Why the heck is he being like this towards Sam.

Chapter 19- Riley's POV
Sitting on your own at lunch is not fun; you receive a lot of sympathetic smiles and sniggers.

While biting into my burger, I started to think about how I went from having 2 best friends and a boyfriend to having no friends at all; it all happened in a blink of an eye.

I guess I deserved it.

I still couldn't stop thinking about how weird Lucas was acting yesterday afternoon when we were in the hall.

While I was getting lost in my thoughts and enjoying the only thing that hasn't left me yet, which was food, a girl spoke to me.

"Is anyone sitting here?" A girl with dark brown hair, which was nearly waist length, asked me with a smile.

"Nope, I'm a loner" I reply humorously

"Don't worry, we can be loners together." She smiles and takes a seat in front of me.

I chuckle and start to introduce myself

"'I'm Riley by the way" I say giving her a genuine smile.

"Emily Sanders" She replies, while returning a smile.

"Wait. Not to sound rude or anything but aren't you Lucas Friar's girlfriend?" She asks while digging into her food.

"Was, I was his girlfriend." I confirms.

She probably wants to leave now,

I mean..

There are so many nasty rumours going around about me.

I'm so pathetic.

No wonder no one wants to be my friend.

"If you want to leave, you can." I say while looking down at my plate

"Why would I want to leave?" She asks curiously

"Everyone leaves me after a while" I mutter quietly.

"Huh?" She asks with confusion written all over her face.

Thank god she didn't hear that.

"It's just.. There are a lot of rumours going around about me, I just assumed you hear-"

"Riley, you seem really nice and I know what rumours are like, they are fake and full of shit" Emily cuts me off.

Someone actually wants to be my friend.

That's a surprise.

"I feel like we're going to be good friends Emily" I reply smiling.

"Me too Riley, me too." She smiles.

It turns out me and Emily actually have a lot in common; like having a younger brother, having the same favourite colour, enjoying literacy and being crap at art.

She was telling me about the time, her brother pissed on her bed to get revenge and how she slept in it by accident.

The story caused me to laugh to point of tears,which earned us a lot of weird looks and glares from people all around the canteen.

Shortly after our laughing attack, Sam decided to join us on our table and sit next to me. .

I watched as Emily's eyes filled with confusion, she was probably thinking about how a good looking guy is sitting next to a loser.

"Hey Riley and other girl" He greets us

"That other girl has a name, her name is Emily" She replies with sass which makes me chuckle.

"That other girl apparently also has sass." He teases while Emily rolls her eyes.

"So, is it true that Principal Smith made both of you along with Lucas plan prom or something?" Emily asks changing the subject.

"Yup." I reply with a short answer and shove some chips into my mouth while Sam nods his head.

"How's it going so far? I mean are you enjoying it?" Emily asks then bites into her burger.

"Well, one thing I know for sure is that I'm scared for my life" Sam jokes.

If this prom doesn't go well, his life will be on line along with Lucas'.

"Why?" Emily and I asked in sync which caused us to giggle

"I feel like Lucas is going to run me over with a truck" he says with amusement.

I roll my eyes at him while Emily starts to talk.

"Is that why he's staring at you like he wants to eat you alive?" She asks looking near the popular table.

Both, mine and Sam's heads turn to where she was looking, Lucas was glaring at Sam while he had Maya on her lap, who was conversing with her fake friends.

Oh god, this isn't going to go down too well.

This chapter kind of turns out too long so I had to split it into like 3 parts. I will upload another chapter once this reaches 100 reads. THANK YOU

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