chapter one

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words. the first step after taehyung yelled those words to jungkook just as he stepped onto the train, was to learn again. learn how to use his words to communicate properly, as well as learn how to express his feelings through them again. it wasnt like he couldnt speak at all, taehyung was a case of selective mutism as apposed to being mute all together. the problem was that he had forgotten how exactly to use his words to say how he was feeling as well as be confident in using them in order to speak his mind. it felt like he had used that notepad his entire life.

and then there was jungkook, of course, who taehyung loved dearly, and who had accepted his feelings and felt the same way. jungkook who was currently attending university, jungkook who spent almost all of his minimal free time rushing back and forth at the train station to come visit taehyung. taehyung worried that he was overworking himself, but jungkook didnt care much. "taehyung ah!" jungkook smiled as he entered the room, his breathing heavy and burdened as if he had run there, which he probably had. taehyung smiled widely back at him, and watched him as he came to take a seat.

"hey." taehyung croaked to his boyfriend, his voice still hoarse from lack of use. jungkook turned his head, and taehyung knew it was so that he couldnt see jungkook cry. jungkook always cried a little when he heard taehyungs voice, it made his heart sing and his feelings for him overwhelming. jungkook eventually turned back to him and leaned over to kiss taehyung gently, and taehyung only now realized that jungkook still had on a book bag. "did you just get here?" he asked warily, hoping that jungkook hadnt skipped any lectures to be here.

jungkook sighed lightly, and taehyung knew that he had skipped at least something important. "jungkook." taehyung said in the sternest way he knew how, shaking his head at the slightly younger boy. jungkook met his gaze, pursing his lips in thought. "i- i know you hate it when i do that, but- but i wanted to come see you as soon as possible." jungkook explained, frowning lightly. taehyungs lips quirked up in a half lop-sided smile, because jungkook truly was a sweet boy at heart, he just needed to find better ways of showing it other than skipping important classes to come see taehyung. 

"stop doing that." was all taehyung said, because he was only comfortable with using a couple words at a time as of right now. jungkook frowned deeper but eventually nodded, "alright, i'll try." he responded, and taehyung decided that he wouldnt argue any further. "i missed you." jungkook sighed contently as they both stood up to hug one another, and taehyung buried his nose into the crook of jungkooks neck. "i missed you more." taehyung whispered eventually, not mentioning that they saw each other only three days ago, and jungkooks heart rate sped up rapidly within his chest. taehyung always did that to him.

jungkook decided on his own accord that he would spend the night, and get up early to catch the train. taehyung agreed after arguing a little more, but gave in after realizing jungkook wouldnt give up. they crawled in to bed rather early, soon after jungkook had called his mother to let her know he would need a ride in the morning. jungkook rested his heavy head on taehyungs belly as they lay together, his breath evening out after a while. taehyung continued to grate his fingers through jungkooks hair, smiling to himself as he looked at his sleeping boy. but the only thing that taehyung just couldnt shake, was just how tired jungkook looked.


a/n hey guys! im so excited to be writing this sequel omg. i hope you like it so far! i was trying to start to show the effects of long distance on jungkook so far and stuff idk.

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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