chapter seven

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instead of trying to rack his brain for the right thing to say when he saw taehyung, jungkook decided that it was best for him to just do it, and not overthink too much. so, at eleven in the morning sharp, he put on his favorite outfit, dark jeans and a plain white top, and made his way over to taehyungs house. although he tried to look his best, it would be an understatement to say that jungkook look sleep deprived, he hadnt slept well in a week. 

"jungkook ah?" taehyungs mother asked as she opened up the door, surprise clear on her face. "hi, mrs. kim, may i speak to taehyung?" he asked politely, his hands clasped together nervously. she paused for a moment before nodding, and telling taehyungs younger sister to go let him know that jungkook was here to see him. she nodded at her mother and ran up the stairs to taehyungs room. taehyungs mother invited jungkook in.

"hyung? jungkookie is here to see you!" taehyungs younger sister exclaimed as she opened his door, only to find taehyung sitting up on his bed with red eyes, a blank look sitting on his face. "tae?" she whispered quietly, and he finally looked over to her. he sniffled, "tell him to come up." was all that he said, his voice hoarse, as he tried to ignore the look of shock on his sisters face from that fact that he actually spoke to her. she nodded, and scurried back down the stairs.

taehyungs heart beat loudly in his chest as he waited for jungkook, his breathing rapid. he hadnt seen him in a while and his heart ached for him more than ever. of course he was angry, angry for what he did with no explanation at all, but he also knew that the moment he saw jungkook everything would change. he could never stay mad at the boy, not even if he wanted to. so, taehyung cleared his throat, sat up straight, wiped under his eyes, and waited.

"he said that you can go up." she smiled at jungkook, who took a deep breath and smiled lightly, before making his way up to taehyung. "tae?" jungkooks voice said this time, and taehyung had to look away to stop the rush of emotions that came flooding at him. "how've you been?" jungkook muttered, taking a seat at taehyungs desk. taehyung didnt answer, and jungkooks heart fell. "i- im so sorry, tae." jungkook started off shakily, and taehyung looked at him this time.

"im sorry for being so stupid. i thought that if maybe i broke up with you, i wouldnt have to feel so guilty for not having enough time to spend with you. it was selfish and i was wrong. i realized that the moment you left. i hurt you, and thats something i never wanted to do." jungkook explained sadly, his eyes filled with tears. taehyung cried, too, but didnt say anything. "i love you taehyung, i really do. so, if you'll have me, i want you back. but if not, i'll just go." he sighed, staring at taehyung intently.

taehyung said nothing for what felt like hours, and jungkook thought that might be his queue to leave. "i'll- i'll just go now, then." he nodded slightly, and began taking heavy steps towards the door. taehyung took a deep breath, nodded to himself, and decided what he wanted to do.

"jungkook! wait- i- i love you too, you idiot." 


a/n yO (all these references to the last book make me emo.)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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