chapter twelve

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jungkook finishes up his second year at university in the summer, and comes home to see taehyung, just like always. taehyung smiles at him and embraces him tightly, heart leaping at the thought of having jungkook home for more than a week this time. "i've been thinking," taehyung says to him later that evening, as they sit on jungkooks bed together. "about maybe applying for college? i mean i know im a couple years behind, but i could still do it, i think. ah, i dont know, its just a thought." he explains rapidly, as if hes tripping over his own thoughts.

jungkooks silent for a moment, before he turns to taehyung, grinning. "thats awesome, tae. really. im all for it, if thats what you want. ill support you." jungkook nods in reassurance and taehyung falls in love all over again, just as he has every day since he met the boy. "i mean, its not for sure or anything, but i want to look into it. i feel like im ready to get back to my life. one where i can do things, too, not just watch you do them." taehyung says jokingly, but it still sends a pang of pain into jungkooks heart. he didnt want taehyung to ever think he wasnt contributing.

"well, either way, you're still perfect to me." jungkook says, running his hand through taehyungs rough bleached hair. taehyung shakes his head and laughs, because thats what jungkook always says. he does mean it, though. so, taehyung does look into it, and applies for one close to home later that week. jungkook seems more excited than taehyung does, but taehyung appreciates the support endlessly. he just hopes he gets in, because he loves the excited smile that sits on jungkooks face as taehyung sends in his application.

taehyung does end up getting into the university easily and begins the semester at the same time jungkook leaves for his third year, which makes taehyung feel really good about himself. for once, he wasnt the one being left behind, they were both going off and doing something for themselves. jungkooks heart spilled with an overwhelmingly proud feeling. taehyung has to go in a few days early, due to registration and all. jungkook insists on driving him, even though taehyung could've easily walked. 

"are you excited, baby?" jungkook asks, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. taehyung takes a deep breath and nods twice, the corner of his mouth lifting. "you can call me anytime, okay? if you're nervous or anything, just call." jungkook explains firmly, just like he always does when he drops taehyung off somewhere, even when its just the library. taehyung smiles and reaches over to squeeze jungkooks arm lovingly, "okay." he whispers lightly, and jungkook still gets butterflies every time taehyung speaks to him.

they get there in less than thirty minutes and jungkook is eager to help taehyung with his bag, even though its small and already on taehyungs back. "ill hold it for you!" jungkook exclaims as if they've just started dating and hes nervous and trying to impress. taehyung just laughs at him and rolls his eyes. "ready?" jungkook asks as he takes taehyungs hand, and watches taehyung nod before leading them both inside. 

they get him registered quickly and the lady at the desk tells them that taehyung will be starting with everyone else, in two days. taehyung can feel his heart beating in his chest with nervousness, suddenly very conscious of how bad his roots are growing in, but when he looks over to jungkook, who has a small smile on, everything is better. less overwhelming. "thank you!" jungkook nods before turning to go, and taehyung mutters a quiet "thank you" of his own before following. "alright, wanna get some lunch?" jungkook asks with a goofy smile on, and taehyung wouldnt want it any other way.

everything is starting to fall into place.


a/n ahhh theres gonna be an epilouge after this and thats it! im so sad this is over omf im gonna miss my babies

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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