chapter five

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things after that, never really were the same. when jungkooks brother was released from the hospital with a fractured arm, broken leg, and minor concussion, jungkooks life did not seem to have enough hours in the day. he took a break from university, explaining that everything in his life was very hectic at the moment and that he would return in the early spring. even then, things were tight. from spending time with taehyung to helping out his family, jungkook was almost always exhausted. he felt as if he could barely even remember what it felt like to be relaxed.

taehyung often came over to jungkooks home and helped out, too, which jungkook appreciated more than he could express. "how much should i make?" taehyung asks, as he stirs the cooked noodles around in the pot. "well, my moms working late tonight so its just the three of us." jungkook replies before shrugging. he then grabs a pillow and helps his brother prop his leg on top of it, just like the doctors had recommended. taehyung takes three bowls out of the cabinet and starts filling them with the food he prepared, before taking them to the table.

taehyung gestured for them to sit down before realizing he had left his phone in jungkooks room, and going to get it. when he entered the bedroom, something caught his eye that hadnt before. it was a stack of photographs, sitting next to jungkooks bed. taehyung didnt think jungkook had even been taking photos recently, despite his sheer passion for the craft. he felt slightly guilty, but decided to shift through the photos quickly. there seemed to be maybe about ten in all, which is more than jungkook had taken in weeks.

 they were amazing, and more than half of them were of him. he hadnt even seen jungkook taking these. these past couple weeks taehyung had done nothing but worry for his boyfriend, who seemed more stressed than ever despite taking time off from school at the moment. things between them have been distant recently, with jungkook always on edge and taehyung not wanting to argue, they have been having a lot of, well, disagreements.

taehyung didnt think they were that big of a deal, but then again he had never been in an actual relationship before this one so he didnt really know. when taehyung finally made it back to the kitchen, jungkooks brother was nearly finished eating, but jungkook hadnt even touched his food. taehyung titled his head in confusion and took a seat beside his boyfriend, who immediately tensed up. "are you okay?" taehyung muttered, leaning into jungkook. jungkook flinched away and taehyung knew something was wrong. "we need to-" jungkook began, "we need to talk."

"whats up?" taehyung asked as he helped jungkook rinse out the dishes in the sink, trying to act casual. jungkook sighed and didnt meet taehyungs gaze, his hands visibly shaking. taehyung would normally grab them and comfort jungkook, but he felt like he shouldnt. like it wasnt his place anymore. "i- i-" jungkook began, and taehyung knew from the tone of his voice that he was going to cry. when jungkook finally looked to taehyung, taehyungs heart ached at how broken and tired he looked. everything was still for a moment, before jungkook spoke again. "i think we should break up." 


a/n oH SHIT 

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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